Follow them down to the jails

From Create Your Own Story

You ask a guard to fetch your equipment while you go down to the dungeon. When you receive them you get ready for the worst.

They lock him up and you make sure there is no escape. But as you are walking off the demon escapes. As you feel a presence over your shoulder you spin around, take out your Vorpal Blade and slice its head off. You call some examiners to get on the case.

Double checking your inventory, you notice you have both the Vorpal Blade and the Caladbolg to take out the meanest of enemies. The 10 Rings will increase your magic power by double and gives you time powers. Your two weapons will make killing enemies easy and can spare some speed, therefore the Golden Plate Armour is a nice choice. Also, you have a healing ointment, the option may come up during your mission.

As you return to the Main Hall you discover the examiners are finished. And they barely did everything, they discovered a thin book lodged on the inside of the coat. It's like they knew you would go after them. Inside it has the names of the demons and a picture and which sword they need to avoid. Either Caladbolg or Vorpal Blade. It also says that some are immune to both and only certain magics can kill it. This therefore is your guide to killing them.

Health 900 Possessions:

Paladin Spell Book, Caladbolg, Vorpal Blade, The 10 Rings, Golden Plate Armour, Silver Plate Mail, Demon Book

MP 100
Level 28
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