Feminist Young Adult

From Create Your Own Story

You have chosen to begin as the feminist young adult woman.

Teresa Brown

Full Name: Teresa Rose Brown

Age: 19

Born: 1996, August 3rd

Location: New York, United States of America

You are at a rally or protest for equality in wages/income. The media has discovered women are payed less for the same services. You are with hundreds of other women all proud to rip the companies known to do this gender separation. The protest begins to get violent because some men have got involved and have vandalized buildings and whats on the side of the roads.

Flares have been set off and screams and fighting can be seen everywhere. More men come from nowhere and are circling the area you are in. Several police vehicles begin to parade through but are ineffective.

A woman is hurt, a flare exploded right next to here. Her leg is in bad shape. You see her struggling with no help at all. You also see a two large group of men coming at each other you are in the middle.


You are:
Feminist Young Adult Woman
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