E.F/Speak to your cellmate

From Create Your Own Story

"Hey, are you okay?" Your cellmate turns his head to you with seething elven eyes. He doesn't reply.

E.F/"How long have you been here?"

E.F/"What are you in for?"

E.F/Eat the bread

E.F/Examine the bars

Health #97 Equipment:

(Items): Ragged robes, lockpick(1) (Magic): Incenerate (Abilities): Agility-5 Courage-5 Endurance-5 Focus-5 Intelligence-5 Luck-5 Speechcraft-13 Strength-5 Will-5 (Location):Dungeons, GleamingGlen City (Time):1:00pm (Xp):0/100

MP #100
Level #1
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