Downfall/Find some food C F1

From Create Your Own Story

"We haven't eaten in a day, we need to sustain ourselves," you say. "We won't get very far when we are too weak to do anything."

Cate isn't convinced. She argues that the night will wear you out much more than a night without food. In the end, you decide with rock-paper-Scissors. You win best out of three. Cate rolls her eyes, but it is decided. You split up; you cross the river, Cate heads in the opposite direction.

You aren't succesful; you see nothing remotely edibale. The only berries you find smell so disgusting you decide to leave them behind. After a while, you reach dense undergrowth. The large leaves have sharp edges, but holding your arms straight into the air gets them out of range. Your clothes shield you, and you manage to pass through almost unharmed.

Behind the undergrowth, you discover a swampy area, about fifty yards wide. On the other side you spot a bird's nest on a small bush. As an avid viewer of adventure movies of the Indiana Jones or Quatermain type, you immediately imagine being trapped in quicksand, but that's probably far fetched, right?

State of Clothing T-Shirt; Shorts; Bra; Panties; Sneakers


Surroundings Swamp
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