Direct some daemonic energy into your dick to make you ready for another fuck

From Create Your Own Story

Actually, the tight snatch of the Asian woman and your feeling of being in command of two human bitches means Thor is almost by himself ready for another go.

This time, the Asian is plenty lubricated. From your sloshing dog cum, that is. Most of it stays inside her, but streaks of white does drip down your shaft, and down the insides of her thighs.

Thus you can pick up the pace straight away.

"Ohmygod, he's doing it again! What's wrong with you, having a dog like this?" the Asian woman yells, near to panic.

"I don't know!" Candy is in tears and looks completely disheveled by now.

You take pity on the confused Candy and take control of the Asian woman long enough to say:

Then you switch back to Thor without missing a stroke in your fuck rhythm.

You are possessing:
Huge Dog
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