Decline the wager and leave the arcade

From Create Your Own Story

She seems a little too confident. You shake your head and stride out of the arcade.

You're a bit hungry, so you wander over to the food court. After looking over the choices, you buy two slices of pizza.

You then have to find a place to eat them. Most of the seats are taken.

There are two available spots. One is next to a skinny, depressed-looking brunette who appears to be in her mid-20's. The other is next to a plump, smiling redhead who is perhaps just turning 30. It's hard to tell, with what women do these days to look younger... or older. One of Valerie's friends, at the age of 19, came by recently looking like she was in her late 30's and remarked that there was no way the liquor store was going to card her.

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12th Grade Boy
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