Deadly Sins/2

From Create Your Own Story

"My job as a familiar is to be your fighting power essentially the lustier you get the stronger I become." she says as you walk out of the bathroom and sit on the bed

"So who would I be fighting" you ask

"The other Sinners... however other Lust Sinners may attack us also" she answers calmly

"What do us people who use these powers have to gain?" you ask

"There is different prizes for your progress... Beating every Sinner in this state grants you flight ability, beating every Sinner in this country unlocks your 'True' potential and beating every Sinner globally is said to rise that person to godhood... nobody has ever met the previous winners so we cannot tell if this true or not" she says

"Sounds interesting... so would this 'defeating' involve killing them?" you ask

"Only if you wish... although only those who use Wrath would feel the need to do so... the more humane way to defeat a Sinner is to kill their familiar.. doing so would erase their memory of ever being a Sinner" she says

"Lets go for a walk than and hunt us some Sinners!" you say putting on some pants and shirt and heading out the door

"It may be noteworthy that only other Sinners can see/feel me" she says

As you walk down the road you feel a presence from behind you

"There is one behind us... what type is he?" you whisper

"Huh, I could hardly sense him... he seems to be Envy" she tells you

You quickly turn around and he is no longer there.

as you turn back to go forward you see him standing in front of you

"Hello... Sinner" he says looking into your eyes

You take a few steps back to prepare for battle

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