D&D: Your master orders you to bend over and spread your ass

From Create Your Own Story

"Bend over here and spread your ass for me," your master commands.

You try to fight the mental command but you find your efforts futile. "Yes, master."

You drone and you walk over the desk. Slowly leaning forward, you angle yourself with the desk and raise yourself on your toe. your hand reaches out and you spread your ass cheek wide, giving your master a nice view of both of your holes. You feel shameful. You may not control your body but you still feel it. You feel your soft hand caressing your ass and now his hand on your ass as well. You look behind to watch him and you can feel him adoring the sights.

"You are pretty sexy," he says.

His hand trails off your ass and start caressing your tight little anus before moving down to your pussy. You can feel your pussy getting wet to the touch and he presses his finger inside you and pumps them softly for a few instant to get them wet, extracting a few moans from you as well. You keep trying to struggle but you feel your strength leaving you when his fingers pull themselves out of your pussy and raise back to your anus. His finger prod gently and rubs your sweet sex nectar across your hole to lube it.

"Don't do it, please!" you plead but your voice don't reach your mouth.

He gets up and you can feel him inches behind you. He rubs your sex-juice against his dick and rub himself a few time to lube himself as well. While you try to plead again, your body docile keep your ass spreaded. You can feel the head of his dick slowly prodding against your asshole. Suddenly his length penetrates you, spreading your ring wide open and invade your tight little ass. You moans loudly as he penetrates you. He takes a few moments to adjust before smiling. His hand slides down to your hips and hold you down as he pulls back to the entrance and slams his dick back inside. He start pumping into your ass and you let out a moan every time.

"Pull out! Please!" you try ti scream but the only noise that comes out from you

You feel your pussy getting wetter as he starts to go rough and makes you rock back and forth, grinding your pussy against the soft desk surface. He keeps fucking your tight little asshole while you are helplessly bound by the spells he had cast. He suddenly moves his hand from your hips to your wrist and hold them backward, tugging on you and bringing you back on his cock every thrust, slamming it as deep as he can. He picks up the speed and you feel your own pleasure rising.

"How am I turned on by this," you try to reason but your mind is already getting numb. After several hard thrusts, you feel your asshole is starting to hurt a little. He gives you a final pumping before cumming deep inside your ass. You feel your tight little tunnel getting filled and while he don't pull it back, you feel the creamy substance going ever deeper in your body. The hot creamy liquid overflow inside your tight little ass and your body is spamming lightly from the sensation. Your mind is going numb and while it feels incredibly weird and wrong, you seem to enjoy this sensation.

He pulls out of you and watch his work, smiling broadly. You are panting and your body has worked up a sweat. It glisten lightly from the effort. You slowly back up and turns around to face your master.

D&D: Your master orders you to play with yourself

D&D: Your master orders you to get on your knees

D&D: Your master orders you to sit on the desk and spread your legs

D&D: Your master orders you to sleep

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