Continue to leave the area wihtout any assistance

From Create Your Own Story

You proceed to your destination believing that you will be fine without being healed. A foolish mistake but you don't want to be caught in a terrorist attack of any kind. You move down the road and then come across 3 men who are dressed in white robes. They are wearing gasmasks and all of a sudden you feel extremely uncomfortable. As soon as you make an attempt to walk the other way one of the men hits you over the head, knocking you out. You find yourself on the floor of a room. You think you're having deja vu but when you get up you are in the middle of a warehouse and apparently you have been healed of your bullet wounds. The three men wearing gas masks appear a few feet in front of you. One of them walks up to you and offers his hand.

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Health 100 Equipment:


MP {{{MP}}}
Level 3
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