Climb a rock to try to peer inside through the window

From Create Your Own Story

You look around. The stacks of tires doesn't look promising, and are probably full of insects anyway. No, you need a decently sized boulder. It doesn't take long to find one, but it takes you quite a while to push it out of its depression.

When you have finally managed to roll it into position, you are all sweaty and disheveled.

Imagine your disappointment, then, when you realize you can't see anything through the grimed-up window; especially since it's dark inside.

You realize you need to break the glass if you are going to get a look inside. Otherwise, you might as well give up and return to the busier part of the construction area, if not exit the site altogether.

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Health Horny & Hormonal Location:

The Grubby Construction Site

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Level 1
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