Choose your own Naruto Adventure- On the next page

From Create Your Own Story

Softness and warmth envelop you...

You snuggle further into your pillow, thinking about the weird dream you'd just had...being hit by a truck...waking up in the Naruto world... Needless to say you aren't in your room when you finally decide to open your eyes. The overwhelming whiteness of the room and that sterile rubbing alcohol smell leaves you with just one conclusion: A hospital room.

"Maybe I did get hit by that truck..." You mutter.

"Ah! You're awake!" A familiar voice exclaims.

You see a very relieved looking Naruto jump up from a chair.

"I'll go get Tsunade!" And with that he bounds out of the room.

"Or not..." You sigh and sit up.

A few moments later Tsunade enters followed by Naruto, Shizune as well as two ninja you'd never seen before.

"How are you feeling?" Tsunade asks you.

"I feel fine, Hokage-samma, thank you for asking." You respond, realizing you have to tread carefully from here on out.

"Wow, she's well-mannered and everything." You hear Naruto whisper to Shizune...but the sound carries easily in the too quiet room and the blank expressions you are getting from everyone, but Naruto, make you feel uneasy.

"That's good to then..." Tsunade seats herself by the bed. "Why don't you tell me who you are...and what you are doing in Konoha?"

Uh oh, she's smiling but the lady means business, what do you do?

'I better come clean before I get myself into more trouble...'

Honesty is the best policy P4

'I've come this far haven't I? I think I can keep the charade up for longer, after all I know all there is to know about Naruto.'

Liar Liar Pants on Fire P3

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