Chase after your rescuer

From Create Your Own Story

You stagger forward, intent on finding your rescuer, but Jessica's body is too weak. The punch she absorbed from the late "Jazz" is still having a powerful impact. You sink to the ground, exhausted, and your eyes close.

When you awaken, you're in a small room. You're naked and lying on top of a bed. A man dressed in ecclesiastical vestments is looking at you.

"You're awake," he smiles. "I'm Brother Chris. How are you feeling?"

You're still feeling a bit dazed. "Not great," you respond. "But better."

"You're in my quarters outside the school," he tells you. "I want you to heal up, then I'll dress you and take you back to where you live. Lie still while I get you something to eat."

Brother Chris's smile is gentle. His short brown hair is military-looking and he looks to be in his mid-20's. His body looks very toned, although the bulky clothes he's wearing make it difficult to really tell what he looks like. Still, he looks too big to be the man who rescued you earlier.

You are possessing:
Young-Looking, Pretty Mother
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