Call Erica and see what she's doing

From Create Your Own Story

You decide that you really should give Erica a call before disappearing for a week or more at your Dads. You call Erica and she picks up after a few rings. "Hey sweetie" you say, "I was wondering what your plans were this week?" Erica let out a little sigh and replied "Oh sorry know I really want to see you but this week is gonna suck...only mother nature and my mom could fuck this up for me". "Whats up babe?" I asked? "Well for starters I got my monthly friend and the cramps are killing me...sorry I know guys hate hearing that stuff and my Mom booked us a bible study camp...I wanna just throw myself off a cliff...just kidding" I chuckled a bit before replying " My god Johanna must be freaking out!" (Johanna is her older sister in the same grade as me) "Ughh I feel bad that your mom is such a religious nut...I mean I have nothing against god but man she takes it way too far". "Your not telling me anything I don't know...I have to live this nightmare..hahha..and yeah Johanna is finding hiding places for her pot and papers...hahahaha"! "Well at least you will have each other to commiserate with...if that is any consulation" I said. "Ahh we'll get by..but its like 2 freaking weeks long...besides don't you want to go see your Dad?" she asked. "Of course but I want to spend some time with you too" I said. "Ohh your too just want to get can't fool me you horn dog." she said with a slight laugh. "Who are you calling a horn dog..I seem to remember the last time tha..." and she cut me off saying "SHIT! Mom and Johanna just got..I gotta go..see you in a couple weeks,,luv ya..bye" This isn't anything new as Erica and I have to keep our relationship a secret seeing as she just turned 13. She was fully developed with d cups and her intellect was far superior to mine..anyway what was to do?

Call Dad


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