CW: His own private room where he plans his missions

From Create Your Own Story

He has to be there, he always is even if he is not planning anything he likes to have space. You walk in and see him tiredly examining a holographic map infront of him. "Master?" You make your presence noticed and he snaps his head up but gives you a smile when seeing it's you. "Ahoska," He says, standing up straight and rubbing his eyes. "What are you doing here?" "I came to find you," You say, your eyes drawn to the attractive man before you. You notice how his eyes twinkle when you say you were looking for him. For a man with such handsome features and amazing stories, he's so deprived of touch, but you hope to change that. "Why is that?" He asks, stifling a yawn. "Well..." Your eyes trail down his body and you walk over to him, closer than usual. "Ashoka?" He asks as you place your hand on his clothed cock. He lets out a low groan as you slowly palm him, his cock growing hard beneath your ministratios. You smirk and look up to see his eyes closed and head rolled back. You then decide to:

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