Bust the circle half way

From Create Your Own Story

The girls are boviously not happy about what you did, but seemed unable to stop what happened next.

You were between Nina and Dasha with a finger up each of their asses, but when the blinding light subsides, things are very different.

You still have four limbs and a dick and a head, but they are all in the wrong places and on the wrong people. You can still feel it, even though Katharine starts sucking your dick while it is on Tracey's face.

'Tracey's face' is kind of a loose term too, as it is about six feet wide, has two cunts and is held aloft Zeb's enlarged torso.

You only see this becuase one of your eyes is now on one of the guys stuck to the ceiling looking down, and gradually everyone gets weirded out and decides it is time to undo the spell.

Do you...

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