Ask if he thinks it is likely we will be visited any time soon

From Create Your Own Story

You pose your question and are answered by a large portion of the ceiling disappearing.

The alien craft hovering above lowers and then merges with the classroom. It is like a mezzanine layer just grew out of the ether around the school room. Door and stairs grow from both items like bookcases, and from parts of the alien craft. The material stretches and gloops but eventually solidifes into weirdly familiar architecture.

During the last moments of the merge, the two visitors start descending.

The first, taller and darker one introduces them, in good english. "We are Tren and Fyug, and we come basically in peace."

"We are peaceful, but we are also in a rush, and the subject of our visit is itself rude." Fyug adds.

Trens concludes, "We have designed a new universal sex toy, and have a huge intergalactic contract balancing on us getting universal safety approval in the next seventeen hours and fifty-one minutes. Your species covers some major holes in our testing schedule and you are vital to our project. We can pay generously in any element you wish or pure energy if you would prefer."

At least half the class including yourself step forward as if reading a telepathic sign asking for volunteers.

Do you...

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