Ask for one of the suits that the place lends you

From Create Your Own Story

"This was an impromptu decision," you tell her. "I'll need a loaner."

"Certainly," she replies, passing you a pair of trunks that looks like it should fit.

You go to the men's locker room, change into your loaner suit (which fits quite nicely), and stow your clothes in a locker. You put the key in the zippered pocket of the loaner suit and head to the pool.

Seeing several attractive women present, you decide to show off. You climb to the top of the diving platform at the deep end of the pool, call attention to yourself, then leap into the air. You get in a tight tuck and spin three times, then straighten your body and make a just-about-perfect vertical entry.

When you surface and swim over to the side, two of the women walk over to you. One is a somewhat chubby blonde who appears to be about your sister Valerie's age. All the right curves in all the right places -- lovely plump breasts, nicely rounded butt. And a pretty face.

The other looks to be closer to your mom's age. She's a slender brunette, with small, firm breasts and long, slim, nicely muscled legs. Her face is a little more worn, but she has a nice smile nonetheless.

"Very impressive," they say in unison.

You are possessing:
12th Grade Boy
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