Ask Kathie to bring you home another girl to use as a slave

From Create Your Own Story

"I'd love to have another girl around," you tell Kathie. "A sex slave."

Kathie yanks off her clothes and shakes her naked butt at you. "What, I'm not enough to satisfy your needs?" she says teasingly.

"I did enjoy being in you," you tell her. "But I'd like another girl."

"Do you have a phone?" she asks. You shake your head, but walk with her into town and locate a p phone booth. She puts in her money and dials a number.

"Hi, Jess! It's Kathie... yeah, a hot stud found me today on the trail and fucked me good, then I went home with him... yes, I know we had plans, but he didn't have a phone at his house... yes, I'd be willing to share, in fact that's why I was calling, he asked for another girl... Yes, permanently... Okay, we're at the phone booth across from the shoe store... 15 minutes? Sounds good... OK, bye."

15 minutes later, a redhead about Kathie's age, with a similar build, walks up to you. She's wearing a form-fitting dress and apparently nothing else, and carrying two duffel bags.

"I brought your stuff,too," she tells Kathie. She turns to you. "You must be the stud Kathie mentioned. I'm Jess."

"Jerome," you say, guiding the two women back towards your house.

As you approach, Jess giggles. "I hope you have enough to fuck both me and Kathie good and hard, often. We're insatiable, you know."

You never need to rape again. Jess is a willing and eager submissive, and Kathie demands you fuck her often as well. Eventually, you have to start calling your friends in to satisfy your two plump sluts.


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