Ask Jennie about her vampiric status

From Create Your Own Story

"Check, please," you call out. While the bill is totaled up, you turn to Jennie.

"What's being a vampire like?" you ask casually.

"Vampiress, technically," Jennie replies. "It's not like in the comic books and movies. You don't have overwhelming blood lust unless you're a vegetarian. All I have to do is make sure I eat at least 4 burgers a week and that takes care of the blood hunger. I don't have overwhelmingly superhuman anything or magical powers. The only part that is true is that if I bite someone and draw blood, they will become a vampire."

"So," Elizabeth says, "you're just a normal person who happens to have fangs?"

"Pretty much," Jennie admits. "After eating meat, I feel slightly more energetic for a day or two. If I bite someone and drink the blood, I feel like I have more endurance for about the next 3 days. That's it. And I don't live forever, either, you get the usual human life span."

"Interesting," you chime in. "So your family is OK with it?"

"Yeah, they know and don't care," Jennie says. "Some of the girls at school must know. After all, all I have to do is smile and you see the evidence."

The check arrives and you all figure out how much you owe. "So," Jennie says as she rises to leave, "now you know. If you want to become vampires yourselves, just say the word and I'll do the deed. If not, thanks for a lovely evening and I'll see you around."

You and Elizabeth quickly whisper to each other...

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Calculator,Backpack,notebooks and school books

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Female
Social Group Nerd
Boyfriend/Girlfriend Elizabeth
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