Ask Jenna to accompany you to the local vegetarian restaurant, known for their salad bar

From Create Your Own Story

You take Jenna's hand in yours as you walk out into the sunlight. "I'm definitely up for some lunch after this weird morning," you say. "Why don't we head for Smart Alec's? It's just a couple of blocks."

"The vegetarian place? Sure, I like that one," Jenna says with a smile. The two of you chatter away pleasantly as you slowly stroll to the restaurant.

You both fill your plates with salad and sit down. "Why do you feel like everyone hates you three?" you ask Jenna. "I'm sure some people are jealous, especially girls, but everyone is a strong word."

Jenna laughs as she devours her salad. "We're viewed as arrogant and cold, not to mention slutty. Truthfully, we're scared. Loveless sex is a way of filling the emotional void."

"Not a good one," you reply. "The more we talk, the more I like the real you. Why do you feel you have to present a false image to the world?"

"Cheerleaders are supposed to be the perfect girl," Jenna sighs. "Or at least the perfect sex object. They're slotted into a role as sexy airheads who know they're hot, act like it and put out for the boys."

"You have brains," you grin. "You can be so much more than airheaded fluff. Once we finish up, let's do a study session. You'll be amazed how smart you are, and you can stop pretending."

"I like that idea," Jenna responds with a smile.

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