Ask Christine why she got so angry

From Create Your Own Story

"What got you so steamed?" you ask Christine. "I see couples making out on this bus every day. There's nothing new there."

Christine hesitates. "Um..." she says, trying to think of a way out. "They're not lesbian geek couples."

"You mean nerd couples," Melony says. "We're a cut above being mere geeks."

"Whatever," Christine mumbles.

A flash of insight hits you. Something in Christine's demeanor gave away her secret. "I think you're just envious because you haven't found the right girl for yourself," you say. "But don't you worry. One of these days it'll just happen on its own, like with us. It may even be someone who's already in your circle of friends." You put your arm around Christine in a consoling manner and continue, "So chin up. You'll find someone soon."

Christine's face goes as white as a ghost. She looks like she's going to faint. Suddenly, her eyes close and if it wasn't for your arm holding her up, she'd slump to the floor.

When she recovers, she whispers in your ear, "How the hell did you know?"

You whisper back, "It takes one to know one."

Christine hastily whispers to you again, as the bus is arriving at school.

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Health 100 Equipment:

Calculator,Backpack,notebooks and school books

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Female
Social Group Nerd
Boyfriend/Girlfriend Melony
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