Ask Biff to borrow a car

From Create Your Own Story

Clearly you're dad is not gonna stand up to Biff so if you want to go to the lake you'll need to get Biff to help you out.

You walk outside and see Biff talking to some guy with the tow truck. Apparently the tow company had brought a car for Biff to take back home but now seemed to think Biff was too drunk to drive.

"What the fuck are you talking about. I drive better when I'm buzzed!" Biff said. The two guys from the tow company exchange uncomfortable looks but you cut in.

"I can drive Mr. Tannen home!" you say. The tow guys look eager to resolve this, they throw the keys to service car to you, get into their truck, and tow your car away.

Biff looks at you with a furrowed brow but you hand him the keys and say "I was happy to help." Biff laughs and gives you a pat on the shoulder and says "You're worth 10,000 of your dad."

He makes to get into the spare car the two company and left and you get into the passenger seat. Biff looks at you, confused. "Well the thing is Mr. Tannen," you say, "I was hoping to borrow a car this weekend. I wanted to take my girlfriend to the lake." Biff gives you a dirty smile.

"I remember taking girls to the lake when I was your age." He subconsciously grabs his crotch a bit. "Tell you what, why don't you get your mom to join us this weekend. I'll drive you, Lorraine, and your pretty little girlfriend up to the lake with me. You mom won't mind since you dad will be working the whole weekend anyway." As he talked about your mom you saw the bulge in his pants grow substantially.

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