Agree to bring Caty along to Pamela's house after you change

From Create Your Own Story

"Stick around," you tell Pamela. "Caty and I will join you. Let us just change first."

Pamela smiles. "You won't regret it."

10 minutes later, you and Caty jog over to Pamela. She hops out of the stands and positions herself so she can wrap one arm around both you and Caty. "So, what's the plan?" you ask the muscle-girl.

Pamela giggles. "First we'll study. Then after dinner we'll have fun."

The studying doesn't take long with 3 brains, and dinner is terrific. Pamela guides the two of you to her bedroom and with a surprisingly gentle touch, strips the clothing off you, then Caty, and finally herself. Caty is again starting to appear nervous, but Pamela settles her down by wrapping an arm lovingly around her and giving her a long, tender kiss. She gives you one as well, and the three of you then head for the very large bed.

After about 15 minutes of kissing, suckling breasts and caressing each other, the three of you are all quite horny and agree that a daisy chain would be in order.

Health Horny & Female Location:

Pamela's House

MP 0
Level 5
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