AOTC: You're Mace fucking Windu! Butcher these bitches!

From Create Your Own Story

Shrugging, you quickly dismount the cliff you were on, landing squarely on the permimiter of the camp, lighting your violet lightsaber for all to see. The Raiders turn and rush you, dozens of warriors charging with horrible war howls and Gaffi sticks raised. You cleave through them effortlessly, the barbarians falling to the side in pieces, their dark blood soaking your robes. It's not even work as you slowly decimate the entire camp with one hand. Suddenly you realize nobody else makes their attack, you've just killed every Raider in the whole village. You shrug again and make your way to the slave tent, stepping over and on smoking Sandpeople parts.

You go through the opening and find the tent dark except for a single burning torch. Bound at the wrists to one of the supporting poles you see who can only be Shimi, obviously worn from captivity. She is dirty and bloodied, with deep cuts and burns on various places of her mostly naked body; only covered by a raggy old dress worn with holes. Dried semen in her hair and on her skin reveal more of what she is used for in the camp, more than what you'd expect for only a day and a half of captivity. She looks up at you with big worried eyes.

"I am Mace Windu, Jedi Master from Coruscant..."

She starts to cry tears of joy, gasping for air. "By the gods, thank you! You've come to rescue me, I knew my little Annie would find a way to..."

"Oh I'm not here to rescue you..." You say, pulling your tunic down and revealing the hard on you've been sporting all day.

She looks up at you with blank confusion.

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Mace Windu
Attack of the Clones

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