Ask him about his parents

From Create Your Own Story

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The wolf takes a deep breath and crosses his arms. "All I know about my father is what I hear from my mother, and it is none too pleasant. He had wanted her as his mate for years, but she always turned him down. That is until he kidnapped and raped her. I was the result of this."

"I'm sorry." you say, feeling bad for asking.

"It's all right. I sometimes catch her crying, she denies it of course, but I know she's still haunted by those memories. Although, in a strange twist of fate, it was because of the human rebellion that she was set free. You see, my stepfather killed my father, and when he found her chained and treated just as poorly as any human, he took pity on her, and even fell in love with her and she returned his love. This, of course, didn't go over so well with the other rebels, and so they came here and started this little tribe that has grown little by little ever since."

"So you never knew your real father?" you ask.

He shakes his head. "No, and I'm thankful for that. My stepfather has been as good a father as one could hope for. He doesn't look at or treat me any differently than he would my more human appearing sister. Just because I didn't come from his loins, doesn't mean he won't love me as he would any other son. I have the utmost respect for him. Anything else you want to know?"


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