“Yes, I can help you find him.”

From Create Your Own Story

"I can't refuse such a pretty lady," you say, flashing Tanya your best smile. "Of course I'll help you find him." You chuckle inwardly. If she only knew...

Tanya giggles. "How?"

"Oh, the usual," you reply. "Talk to my friends... I know a lot of other apartment managers. Ask them if they've seen or heard anything. Maybe one of their tenants knows someone."

"Sounds good," Tanya grins. "My card, if you do find something. Call my cell phone, it's always on."

"Before you go, could you write down the name for me?" you ask. Tanya writes it in both English and Cyrillic.

"What are those weird letters?" you inquire. "He an Arab or something?"

Tanya's laugh seems to light up the room. "No, he's Russian. Like me."

You escort Tanya to the door with a promise to call if you learn anything.

A few days later, you do learn that one of your former associates is living in New York. You pass the information to Tanya, who cordially thanks you. A week after that, there's a knock at your door and a smiling Tanya appears, accompanied by a tall, slim older woman whose hair is dyed an aggressive black.

"My aunt, Irina," Tanya explains. "She's a naturalized American citizen. I though that you two might... like to try a date. You are both unattached."

Irina sizes you up. "So you're Joe. You're about my age. I'm in my mid-fifties."

You thank Tanya, who leaves. What do you want to do do impress Irina?

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