“What information did you have, that made you think he was here?”

From Create Your Own Story

"I cannot reveal my sources," Tanya says. "But I can show you this." She pulls out a piece of paper and puts it in front of you. You glance at the paper for long enough to tell that it's from the Russian agency that evolved from the KGB. So Tanya is either a government agent or a mobster with really good connections.

"I can't read this," you respond. "It appears to be written in Russian."

"You're definitely not the man I'm looking for," Tanya snaps. "Iosif Kulinsky would be able to read the document. Even if he were to pretend not to, he would damn well know that the correct name for the written language is Cyrillic, not Russian."

"Don't get angry," you say in a soothing voice. "I'm sorry if I upset you. So, what does the document say?"

Tanya takes a deep breath and makes a visible effort to calm her emotions. "Basically, it's a report that tracks Mr. Kulinsky to New York. He seemed to have dropped off the face of the earth after the late '70's, and certain people I work for want to find him."

"New York is a big city," you say evenly. "There are lots of places to hide. Besides, he could have come to New York and then moved on afterwards."

"True," Tanya responds. "However, the trail appears to stop in New York."

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