"You can marry me instead" (Fantasy Creatures)

From Create Your Own Story

"You can marry me instead."

The demon bursts out laughing. You're not sure what was funny about what you said. Maybe your not attractive by demon standards, or something. You hope that's not the case, though; you quite like how she looks, and she seems friendly enough. Your unwaveringly serious face cuts the demon's laugh short.

"Wait, are you serious?" she asks.

You give her a slow nod. Her face changes a little. It becomes more curious than amused.

"I'm not against getting married," you say. "I just don't want to marry a man, and that's exactly what my father will choose."

The demon smirks. "Succubi don't get married, sweetie. However, there is a close alternative. Wanna hear what I think?"

You nod frantically. "Yes, anything. Just free me from this fate."

The demon gets closer, and her lips come to yours. You expect her to kiss you, but her lips stay just millimetres away. Your heart flutters.

"You could become my thrall," she says. "Have you heard of thralls?"

You shrug. "Not really, no."

"Basically, as my thrall, you would pledge to be by my side for eternity. I would see to it that you're looked after, and, in turn, you'd look after me."

"Did you say for eternity?"

"Well, unless I die, but yes. A thrall of mine would live for at least as long as me. You and I could be together forever. We'd take care of one another, and make love every night, and every morning, and every afternoon, and every evening, and when we're bored, and when we're not."

"I... That's a lot of—"

"You'll love it. Shall I give you a taste before you make your decision?"


She kisses you before you can tell her either yes or no.

Her forked tongue is in your mouth, tasting you. You nervously taste her back. She's like fire, hot to the touch. Her tongue tastes exactly how burning smells. You like it. You want to taste her more, and your force her tongue back into her own mouth with yours, tonguing her in return. Her mouth tastes how steak smells as it cooks. Her touch is physically hot enough to make your forehead sweat.

She takes your hands, guiding them to her hips, where you then hold her. She feels hot there as well, as though she had come straight out of an oven. As she presses her naked body against you, you suddenly couldn't imagine being with anybody else. Her warmth is seductive, and intoxicating. When she breaks the kiss, you nearly chase her mouth to keep going.

"See?" she asks. "But there's still more. One question, though. You wanna be on top or on bottom?"

You shake your head. "I don't know what that means."

The demon gasps. "You're a virgin? Oh my... You should've opened with that. Because, well... you know how demons are with virgins."

"I don't. How are they?"

"We hold very few things sacred, and virgins are one of those few things. Deflowering an attractive girl like you is to me like, I don't know, finger-fucking an angel would be to you. Which brings me back to the question. Do you want to be on the top, or do you want to be on the bottom? In other words, do you want to be in control, or shall I take that liberty?"

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