"It's okay, I already have a place to stay, I was just kidding."

From Create Your Own Story

You leave pretty soon after that and you are walking through the forest again when Fate appears in front of you.

"Hello Sarah." She smiles apologetically, "I'm sorry for not mentioning earlier but I have prepared a place for you to stay in this world and I even got you admitted in Forks High School. If you need anything in the future, just call for me. And I should let you know that in this world Edward cannot read your mind but he can read Bella's."

"What?!" you exclaim at hearing the last part. "But why? Isn't that a major change from the books?"

"Yes, this is why I need you to make sure they fall in love. Without Bella's shield there is no telling if Edward will find her intriguing enough to love or not."

You don't know how to react.

You are surprised at this information but you feel oddly pleased with the news.

You are disappointed; you wanted to annoy Edward by singing the Barney song in your head.

You are happy. Now you can make Edward fall in love with you.

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