
From Apocalypseblade

Inor is a character in Blades of the Apocalypse. He is a demon who escaped from Hell after both Heaven and Hell broke following the death/imprisonment of Arius. He was once a powerful psychic, and now seeks to regain his powers and seek revenge on Hell.


[edit] Pre-Story History

Inor was once a powerful demon warrior, born and raised in the fiery pits of Hell. He was trained as a psychic and a swordsman, and was very skilled. Eventually, as a sign of his skill and status, he was given a powerful magical sword called Caladbolg. Then, one day, Inor attempted to take over the throne of Hell. A great battle followed between Inor and Satan, during which Inor was injured.

Taking advantage of the break in the battle, Satan used his powers as Ruler of Hell to strip Inor of his powers and his sword. Afterwards, Inor was given to the other demons of Hell to do with as they pleased. Inor managed to escape and flee to Etrah with the break of Hell.

[edit] Rerden and Taka

For many weeks after escaping Hell, Inor hid in the woods near the town of Rerden, on the continent of Old Etrah. After regaining some of his strength, Inor began to explore Rerden itself, meeting a young man named Taka. Taka was pursuing his brother, Maku. Inor and Taka made a deal: Inor would help Taka find his brother, and in return, Taka would help Inor get revenge on Hell.

[edit] Forest of Shadows

After leaving Rerden and buying Inor a new sword, the two followed Maku's trail into the Forest of Shadows. Within the forest, Taka was attacked by a creature of living shadow, and the two ran. Eventually, the two stumbled into a rift in space, emerging on a bridge just outside of Manhattan, in modern-day New York City.

Inor and Taka, feeling slightly panicked, ran back through the rift before it closed, returning to their own world in an alleyway within the nameless City.

[edit] Rhiath and Jaxyl

Walking through the City, Inor and Taka stumbled across an ad for a gun-for-hire by the name of Rhiath. Inor knew a demon named Rhiath from Hell, and the picture on the ad was of the same person. Going to the apartment number listed on the ad, Inor and Rhiath were reunited. Apparently, Rhiath had fled Hell after the break, and had set himself up as a mercenary.

As the three were talking in Rhiath's apartment, a rogue angel named Jaxyl was watching from outside. He had seen Inor and Taka walking through the city, and assumed that Taka was being held hostage. He and Rhiath briefly exchanged fire, until Taka intervened, and an agreement was reached. Jaxyl would travel with them, as would Rhiath.

[edit] Weapons, Powers, and Abilities

Inor once wielded a powerful sword called Caladbolg, which was sharp enough to cut massive boulders without dulling, and strong enough to cut far beyond it's physical reach. He currently carries a non-magical sword, but wishes to reclaim Caladbolg.

Inor also possesses great psychic powers, but these were weakened severely before his escape from Hell. Inor has begun to re-train himself and gain his powers back. There have been moments where, due to extreme stress, he was able to access his powers at their full level, but only at great pain to himself.

At their fullest, Inor's psychic abilities specialize in Telekinetic abilities, with a lesser focus on Telepathy. He could also teleport short distances at one time, although whether this was a psychic power or not is unknown.

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