Madokamisim and Yuekamism

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Madokamism and Yuekamism
Type of religion: Polythestic
Founded: Unknown
God(s): Madoka Goddess of the Sun and Yue God of the Moon
Holy texts: Inspirations of the Sun and Moon (Inspiroj de la Suno kaj la Luno)
Followers: Over one million
Practiced in: AHSCA, Motokata, parts of Lamoni and Kurona
High Priest: Rosalina Sócrates (Sun) Tàn (Moon)

Madokamisim and Yuekamism is the mainstate religious practice of both AHSCA and Motokata being practiced by a majority of the population. The name comes from the Japanese word Kami word for an effigy, a principle and any supernatural being, while including the names of the worshiped deities of each religion. While refereed to and usually operated as separate church entities the two religions are of the same source and text and usually of the same systems of belief. Between the diverse populations of AHSCA, Motokata and the inclusion pockets within the nations of Lamoni and Kurona the religon has well over a million followers world wide.


[edit] Origins

Exact details of the religions origins are unknown but it is believed to have originate within the AHSCA some few centuries ago. During the long periods of the islands isolation the religion remained mostly indigenous however as 19th century encounters and colonizations began the religion found it self spreading back to trade and the colonizing nations of Motokata and Kurona. When Lamoni opened relations with AHSCA the faith spread there. The religion took it's roots within Motokata when trade sailors and eventually the nation's own founder, Koh Moto, converted and started sects within their own nation thus making Motokata the largest practitioner by population.

Sometime in the early 20th century, Honoka Kursuragi, a prominent writer out of Aurora Island published the first written account of the religion based on the oral traditions handed down though generations of followers. Inspirations of the Sun and Moon (Esperaonto Inspiroj de la Suno kaj la Luno) was published under no author name but publishing records traced it back to Kursuragi. Critics and skeptics accused Kursuragi of fraud stating the book was a complete fabrication and not valid as any supposed sacred text. Even some within the church denounced the text as questionable and likely not sent down by the word of the Sun or Moon God. Kursuragi maintained that she did no fabrication of her own and all the words were simply repeated by those who have continued to pass on oral traditions based on alleged divine inspiration. It wasn't until the end of the century that the text was adopted as true divine words based on the revelations received by High Priestess of the Sun Shrine, Alya.

[edit] Text

[edit] Beliefs and Practices

The idea behind Madokamism and Yuekamisim is that all are born under the sign of one of the holy deities. Those born during the day are said to be under the sign of the Sun Goddess Madoka and those born at night are said to be born under the Moon God, Yue. This subscribes the follower to a specific shrine sun or moon. However despite day or night all women are said to be created in the image of Madoka and all men are said to be created in the image of Yue. The religion does give guidance in the ways of marriage, livelihood and dietary practices as well as giving the origin of creation to all people.

[edit] Sun Shrine

People belonging to the Sun Shrine are those who are born during the daytime hours, anytime between sunrise and sunset including the moments of twilight The Sun Shrine people are said to be outgoing, open, friendly and are asked to seek to spread the word of Madoka, thus most missionaries come from the Sun Shrine. Priests and Priestesses (or Miko) wear robes dawned with red and white coloring to distinguish them.

[edit] Moon Shrine

Those belonging to the Moon Shrine are those born during the nighttime hours at absolute darkness. People belonging to this shrine are said to be more quiet, reserved and withdrawn to the cloisters of the shrines and temples to care and maintain for them. While encouraging to help people they are told not to seek out converts in the practice of good deeds. Mikos and Monks wear white and dark blue or purple robes.

[edit] Lifestyle

Sun and Moon followers are asked to subscribe to a simple humble quiet life. Though generally most Moon followers are true to the style of the moon shrines and priests and priestesses thus most likely to live in simple if not primitive conditions. The religion in general discourages the seeking of great wealth or riches but gives pardon to a comfortable lifestyle. However there is no said punishment to going outside the quiet and humble life style unless you are a priest or priestess.

[edit] Diet

The only outright forbidding clause of the religion is that relating to dietary conditions. It forbids any type that greatly alters or reduces the mind and summons up wicket spirits. While alcohol has never been renounced or forbidden it has been cautioned against by Church leaders. Pure wine and sake are said to be acceptable but other types are urged against. Gluttony is also a forbidden act and practitioners are told to eat as needed for energy of the day and not consume more. Keeping to a healthy diet is encouraged thus great importance is placed in preparing healthy foods for all to eat.

[edit] Marriage

Marriage is said to the the major pillar of the religion. No type of marriage is forbidden and all are told to seek out a worthy spouse and keep him/her close and always be loyal and faithful. Children are also said to be a requirement of any marriage.

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