Races/ADU-Dracounus Elves

From Abnormalia

  • Fantasy/Science Fiction
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ADU - Dracounus Elves


Though no complete records exist, it is believed that the Dracounus Elves are the descendents of Alvarunus Idnele Elves (created by K. Anderson) that migrated across the Gap during an opening in the far distant past. Since that time, however, modern day Dracounus Elves have become somewhat less powerful than their ancestors; most significantly, they are no longer immortal, and they have lost the ability to travel back and forth between the Second and Third Realms. Unlike Alvarunus Elves, the majority of which live in Avalon in the Third Realm, Dracounus Elves live in the Second Realm amongst the other races of the Dracounus.

Magical/Telepathical Ability

Despite having grown weaker than their Idnele ancestors, Dracounus Elves are still one of the most magically/telepathically powerful races in the Dracounus. Though they are no longer immortal and cannot travel between Realms, Dracounus Elves have become spiritwelders, and now possess one of the most complex, powerful abilities in the universe. Some people even believe that the ability to spiritweld is a fair trade off for immortality. Why this happened is uncertain, though many believe it has something to do with assocation with the Ihszashi (High Dragons). Dracounus Elves also have a broader range of coloration in their hair and eyes than Idnele, which many suspect is similarly due to the colorful Ihszashi. However, Dracounus Elves have maintained the Idnele ability to give birth to elementals, and are one of the few races in the Dracounus that are able to do so.

Physiology and Behavior

Other than the above mentioned differences, Dracounus Elves are very similar to the Idnele. They are of slender build and tend to be slightly taller than the average human, and as also mentioned above, exhibit a great range of color in their eyes and hair. They have a high affinity for the natural world, and are known for their ability to maintain homes and cities in nearly any ecosystem with minimal negative environmental impact. They are excellent crafters, and are the undisputed authority on materials in the Dracounus. Like the Idnele they are able to produce the famous and much in demand indestructible Elven steel. Though they prefer to live in their native wilderness homes, many spend a great deal of time and even live amongst the civilizations of the other Dracounus races, serving in the community as teachers and healers, and working in industrial sectors as consultants and collaborators. Not all Elves are warriors by nature, but any one of them is willing to take up the sword for a just cause. Those that do choose to work in the police and military sectors usually rise quickly to the top; their natural grace, intelligence, and power allowing them to excel as warriors.


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