
From Superdickery

Hello my darlings. I am the Queen. My reign was short and much maligned by my dear followers who were misled. I write this humbly, wishing only for your love and understanding. This is my story, and that of my love the King.


Our Genesis

We hail from a forum much like your own. It was grand, but not large, rich but not powerful. And in its prime it was the most beautiful place on this wretched Internet. Our community was a wonderful place of intelligent discussion and good, sincere friendships. But it fell. Not to hackers, not to spammers, but to vanity and pride. Egos grew. Friends grew bitter and paranoid. Rules were abandoned in favor of hedonism. We left when it became intolerable. For many months we wandered together, trying one forum after another, hoping for a place where we once more could be accepted. One of the forums we tried was Superdickery.


Superdickery was once...nice. Small but nice. There were no trolls and little spam. We liked it but remained in hiding, not wanting to assist the forum on the path towards destruction. I admit, my noble temper has occasionally been my downfall. We lurked.

We paid sporadic attention to the forum. For month at a time our interests wandered but every so often we returned to see if there were anything new occurring, anything worth registering for. However, as the forum grew, our interests waned. Forum members have a tendency to become monotonous and rude when they become comfortable in a community. We saw it at Superdickery. Threads spiraled out of control, off-topic messes consisting only of vague compliments to those willing to give vague compliments back. Anyone willing to speak out against the oppressive norm was torn apart. People began to conform, communicating in overused memes and obscene gestures.

We at first wished not to interfere, we would simply move on to another of the handful of forums we watched. But one day we were presented with a wonderful gift.

The Monarchy

When we were presented with a number of passwords from Superdickery, my darling the King knew exactly what to do with them. He began...something. Mine womanly mind is unable to understand his complexities at times. However, he gave me adminship and I went to work. My first act was to destroy the Cass Cain smut thread bit by bit. The intention was to dismantle it in the most excruciating way possible, I find that thread so disgusting. My darling the King was more direct, deleting many threads. However, you people were so uncooperative. I should have predicted it, when one's security is taken away they riot. The status quo must be restored at all costs. I was very disappointed at your conduct. I couldn't handle it and took a short break from monitoring your messes.

The Pest

Upon my return I found that I had been deposed. Some forumer...or from what I have heard, a forumer that had LEFT for the same reasons my King and I despised, some hypocrite deleted our accounts and made his own reforms. I try my best NOT to despise this person that I have not truly known...but it is frustrating! Ooooh, so despicable.

Our Return

We WILL return. When our enigmatic informants fill us in on their plan, whatever it may be, we will bring your forum into our loving embrace once again. Please know this. What I do, I do for love! For my love of humanity, my faith in the better nature of my fellow internet goers! I must go. I know not yet when I will be back. I retire to my place in the stars, but know this...I am watching. Fondly. You are like children to me and I will NOT leave you to flounder in your confusion and insecurity.


Queen Lorenzo Latrine, most cherished betrothed of His Brilliant Almighty King Beatrix Betty VIII of the Holy Forum Empire

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