
From Inselkampf

Revision as of 10:01, 16 March 2007 by Grendel (Talk | contribs)

Colonies are the aim of the game. For a player to expand they must colonise islands.

How to colonise

A player can colonise any island as long as:

  • It is not the ONLY island of a player
  • The main house is at Level 1
  • There are no troops on the island

In the .com version of Inselkampf any island of any player can be colonised if it is not their only island. The player needs to send a colonisation ship at the target island, set to 'attack' mode. The player should not send the ship unaccompanied, as all troops on the island need to be dead if colonisation is to be successful. The main house must be knocked down to Level 1 in order for the colonisation to be successful.

Even if the troops are dead and the house is at Level 1 there is still only a 50% chance of a successful colonization. If the colonisation is succesful your ship will be destroyed. If the colonisation fails, your ship will return; unless it is destroyed in battle. The colonisation ship will die in battle if 50% of the your attackig troops are killed.

It usually takes around 150 days for most players to gain the ability to colonize. But it is rumored that some have done it in as little as 125 days starting with a newly registered account.

See Also

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