Mourn Moondown

From Egs Mayhem


Brief Description

Character created for Jesse's DnD Parody RP, which never actually started. He was pretty much your basic Elven Wizard.

Physical Description

Tall & robust by elven standards, but not by much. Has pale skin, slightly weather beaten, silver hair & grey eyes.


Curious & thoughtful. He likes to travel as it broadens the mind & allows him to see new things. Prefers learning by doing. Quiet.


Mourn is an experienced Spell Caster, capable of casting spell up to 6th level. He can also Scribe Scrolls, Brew Potions and Enchant Wondrous Items. Finally, he has a toad familiar called Wartsworth.

Mary Sue Rating


22-29 Some definite Sue-like tendancies here. A little polishing might be in order to put original fiction and RPG characters back into the balance, especially if Kirking is involved. Fanfiction characters should probably have some work done.

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