Your just out for some fun(16 IE/WM)

From Create Your Own Story

"I'm just looking for some fun, I didn't mean to see anything." He grabs you by the hair and tries to lift you to your feet only for the wig to come off in his hand he grunts in surprise as you land back on the floor sprawled on your ass looking up at him. He looks down at you and gives you the wig before stooping down to pick up your purse. "You can put it back on." He comments casually as he goes through the contents of your purse. He pulls out your sister's I.D and smiles. "Stolen I.D eh?"

"No it's my sister's I just borrowed it." You tell him as you adjust the wig as best you can.

"Is she the one who made you up?"

"No, I did it all by myself."

"So you like to dress as a girl then?"

"This is my first time I thought it would be fun, I didn't expect to run into a.."

"Nigger thug?"

"I was going to say drug dealer."

"Well I am and I don't like it when someone see's me doing it, I go to a lot of time and effort to make sure if I do get caught by the cops that they can only do me for possession, so you're in a bad situation here."

"I won't tell anyone I swear."

He looks you up and and down. "Well I do believe you won't, but unfortunately I'm not in charge I'll have to take you to see my boss. You can come along willingly or otherwise but it will look better for you if it's willingly."

Do you?

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