Your fingers hook your panties to, and Ruffles goes to town. With his tongue!

From Create Your Own Story

"Oops," you say, realizing you've pulled down your panties with your pj bottoms. Ruffles doesn't give you a chance to pull them back up, however. He dives forward at your vulnerable little cunny (a word Diane taught you. She and Liz are always slinging rude words around. Titties, cunny and even ruder).

Ruffles' nose doesn't feel cold now. It rubs with seeming fascination up and down between your legs, feeling even better than that time you tried masturbating. When his tongue snakes out you gasp, hands instinctively grabbing his head. But instead of pushing him away they pull him closer.

Ruffles' tongue laps at your buzzing slit like it's a water bowl, his long soft tongue slipping deep as you cry out some more.

"Ruffles!" you cry out, and...


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