You would love for him to show you the hill sometime(Abb1-18)

From Create Your Own Story

"You should definitely show me sometime! It sounds so pretty." You smile, and Blaine meets your eyes once again and smiles back.

"Alice!" This time, it's your friend, Emma, waving to you from across the room. Another student begins asking Blaine for help with the projector, and you sit down next to Emma. "I saw your name on the list and thought I'd sign up too," she says excitedly. "This is actually really cool, and we haven't even done anything yet. I just wish the club wasn't run by-"

"Everyone, please sit!" The classroom door creaks open and slams shut. "For those of you who don't know me, my name is Mrs. Crage. Now I realize that this is your club, not mine, but because I want you all to succeed, I have high expectations for members of this club. The film festival is coming up quickly, and this is their first year accepting high school students."

You haven't heard a thing she said- you're too horrified to see her. Ms. Crage nearly had you suspended for a week last year. She had lost your two biggest papers and insisted that you never handed them in, and when you refused to accept a zero on your work and continued to ask about it during class, she went to the principal and claimed that you were harassing her. Not a day later, she found your missing papers in her filing cabinet- and then she marked down your grade because she had received it "late." Eventually you did receive your fair grade, but Ms. Crage has always seemed to have it out for you after all of the trouble.

"-and you will be learning those skills as well. We will meet again in two days. Dismissed!" Everyone files out of the room, but Ms. Crage steps in front of you. "Alice. I'm surprised to see you here- I wouldn't think that you have time for after-school activities."

"Why?" You are caught off guard.

"Oh, after all of those issues last year, I thought I would check with guidance to see if there were other reasons for your behavior. So your brother takes care of you? And I heard that he'd had some trouble paying for field trips and the like. Is this really the right setting for a girl like you? You might want to focus on working after school. Film club requires a serious commitment."

What do you say?

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