What's her problem with your father?

From Create Your Own Story

"You don't approve of the King and his actions, Agnes?" You ask, now half dressed.

Her response is cold and calculated, the way you're used to her being "Nor does anyone who truly sees what he is doing."

"Which is what?" you inquire further

"He has become too comfortable in the thrown, my prince. He rests upon his old glories and the tributes of those who don't dare to oppose him, and he spends all of his time and effort making his decrepit manhood functional, chasing young harlots through the castle kingdom rots."

You're not so sure you believe her. What she said about your fathers libido is true, but you're not so sure the kingdom is quite in such disrepair as she thinks. Still better not to argue with her on this.

"It's a good thing he's stepping down today than." You reply as you finish getting dressed.

"If only it were that easy. I've been training you so hard all these years for just this day, when the throne is yours and you can not only lead soldiers into battle but govern with an even hand, to be the type of king like none these Northerners have seen before." She steps close to you, the metal in her boots clanking against the stone floor "It all be for not though if you do not continue to listen to me. You have not stood up to your father a day in your life and you've too long sought to take the easy road. You will have become King without raising a finger to have earned the title, but there will be those who will do nothing to take it from you. And should you continue to act as your father does you may as well hand over the crown right now. Do you understand?"

"Yes Agnes, I understand." You respond solemnly.

She takes a deep and short breath before responding "Good." She adjusts your belt to be even and brushes her hand through your hair to give it some shape and order. "Now, enough of that. This is a good day, and I won't let my own ways ruin it." She smiles faintly "Now that you're fit to be seen, let's get on with the day, shall we?

Why does Agnes stay around?

Ask her to be your guest of honor

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