WAS: Go to your Father

From Create Your Own Story

You go to the throne room in search of your father. When you enter you see Corinna and you father. Corinna looks over at you and smiles and she relaxes now that you are here. "Ah there you are my son" your father says as he motions to his guards to close the doors behind you. "You need to know why you and the party of Ugarits were attacked." You and Corinna give each other quizzical looks and then you both look at your father with confusion. "I payed the group of bandits to attack you and the princess. Unfortunately, you and the princess managed to survive. That will be taken care of now" your father says as he forcefully grabs Corinna and holds a dagger to her neck.

"Faust, help me" Corinna screams with fear. You start to move towards your father and Corinna when Your father's royal guards surround you with their swords drawn.

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