VRX 9000: Sex Games / Scenario B

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

The Winter Cabin: Multiplayer

Battle Royale: Part 1


The game finally starts and all the girls move at once. Because you've selected 'Scenario B', the girls are situated around the couches as follows. On the southern couch from west to east are Alyssa, Kinsey, Leslie. On the east couch from south to north are Lena, Dana, Hillary. On the north couch from east to west are Melissa, Mindy, Cameron. On the west couch from north to south are Amanda, Kelsey, Rebecca.

Everyone jumps up and it is a blur of movement and yelling as the girls shove past each other and yell at each other and everyone tries to do everything at once. On the south couch both Alyssa and Leslie are thinking escape as they spot strong competitors on either side of them. Alyssa fears Kinsey will go after her and probably win, the girl rather fit for being a bit of a nerd. Likewise Leslie looks at Kinsey with fear along with Lena to her right. While Lena is on the shorter side like her, Lena is still taller and is well in shape just like Leslie. Not wanting to risk it the girls both make a break right at the start southwards towards the main hallway.

Kinsey, with no actual plans of jumping either girl simply decides that she is fortunate that no one is going after her and after making sure she is home free for at least a few moments simply stays put and searches through the pile to find some specific items she has plans for.

On the eastern couch the girls know it is going to be more aggressive and Dana is very nervous. Lena seems like the type of person that will go for someone and Hillary has been giving Dana looks from as soon as they sat down. So right before the game starts Dana nudges Lena quickly and nods towards Hillary with wide eyes. Lena thinks about it for a moment but doesn't answer and as soon as the counter finishes Hillary jumps on Dana just as she predicted. Dana goes back and uses all her limbs to fight off Hillary begging Lena to help.

Lena takes her time and sits up to avoid getting tackled on and takes stock of the situation. Upon deciding that it is indeed the best course of action at the time Lena simply takes two items then attacks Hillary and tries to help Lena with the biggest and strongest girl here.

The western couch is very aggressive as well as Amanda immediately stands up then grabs some handcuffs and looks towards Kelsey. Kelsey immediately tries to retreat and bumps into Rebecca trying to grab for items. Freaked out by Kelsey bumping into her Rebecca instead runs for it heading towards the western hallway. Amanda goes for Kelsey but Kelsey just follows Rebecca and circles around the couch keeping it between her and Amanda. Amanda makes a quick decision upon rounding the northern end of the couch that taking Kelsey this way will be too much of a hassle and changes her game plan to run after Rebecca down the western hallway.

On the northern couch all the girls plan on escaping, Melissa making the first move very much afraid of Hillary and runs immediately through the kitchen and escapes into the eastern hallway. Cameron, like-wise, thinks about going for Mindy for a split second then decides against it and waits till Mindy is looking away and escapes out the sliding glass door onto the patio. Mindy, finding herself alone, stays put for a few moments too scared to grab for anything before also running towards the eastern hallway not paying enough attention to know that Melissa also had ran that way.

Alyssa and Leslie running down the main hallway eventually divert now teamed up and run into the southern king-sized bedroom. Leslie runs to the bathroom door to lock it and Alyssa slowly closes the main hallway door wondering if she really wants an alliance with the small Hispanic girl. By the time Leslie gets back from locking the bathroom door Alyssa decides against it and ambushes Leslie pinning her down on the large bed.

The three on the eastern couch continue to fight, Dana desperate to get Hillary off her with Hillary struggling to manage two girls at once. Eventually Lena gets Hillary in a choke hold long enough to let Dana escape and the two girls manage to restrain the choked girl's hands before slamming her down on the couch and both jumping on her. Dana and Lena then confirm their alliance then look down happily at their busty blonde prize.

In the eastern hallway Mindy runs through just to run smack dab into Melissa who is waiting in the hallway listening to where everyone goes. Mindy is frightened at first but Melissa simply puts a finger up to her mouth which calms Mindy who nods. Mindy hides against the wall next to Melissa and the two listen to Hillary getting taken then hear a shout down the hall from Leslie. Melissa takes Mindy's hand and guides her into the safe room in the area, the laundry room. The two hide out there and Melissa looks over the busty blonde and gets a fun idea and doesn't let go of her hand. When Mindy looks at her questioningly Melissa slides forward and gives the shy girl a kiss.

Kelsey, glad that Amanda gave up on her, looks around surveying the scene for a moment and spots Kinsey still there with no target. Afraid of the girl Kelsey runs for it and makes it down the main hallway then ducks into the northern bunk-bed room and closes and locks the door behind her.

In the hallway on that side of the house Amanda chases Rebecca who tries for the northern bunk-bed room but decides she can't close the door in time and just keeps running down the hall. Eventually Amanda corners her in the end office not letting Rebecca escape into the main hall. Amanda, a larger girl, then easily restrains the tall frail and physically weak girl in the office bending her over a desk roughly.

Outside Cameron just watches and waits looking through the windows for the opportune time to strike.


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