VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Twist (22212).

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

Random Adventures - Pixie's Punishment

Part 6: The Twist - Part 1


The Story:

You start to sob softly at the thought of another round with Roxy but there just isn't anything you can do about it. 'Why did you have to pick her at the club' you think to yourself for the hundredth time. You cry out as she roughly pulls you up to stand letting you wobble weakly before she stands up herself to keep you standing. With a hard smack on your ass she gets you walking across the house still sobbing softly horrified at whatever she has planned for you next. Upside down on the table outside getting sprayed down by water was bad enough. You dread whatever is in the next room and your stomach is a ball of anxiety as you just can't keep tears from running down your cheeks. This is not what you were signing up for when you wanted a mistress!

Shoved into the next room you blink a bit when you realize it is just a regular bedroom and not some dungeon of torture. In fact it is actually pretty clean as opposed to most of the house and there isn't a sex toy or piece of bondage in sight. You grunt in pain still aching from your earlier treatment as she shoves you onto what you can only assume is her own bed. And then... releases you. From everything.

"Whaaa....." You murmur outloud to yourself pulling your sore wrists in front of you to massage softly looking up at Roxy a bit confused and dreading whatever trick she must be playing on you.

Roxy just smirks down at you biting her lower lip mischievously making you cowl a bit before simply stripping herself. You can't help but stare at her perfect pale body, the reason you picked her in the first place, as she gets naked. Her well shaped, soft, pale hips with a good amount of bounce on her ass with firm soft bouncy tits springing free as well. Her stomach is flat and perfect with a sexy landing strip of red hair just above her slick cunt. And then the most confusing thing happens; she climbs onto the bed, on top of you, then reaches down to start making out with you.

Blinking in surprise and giving a soft confused sob you slowly make out with her back tasting her soft, albeit evil lips over and over. She is a good kisser that is for sure. You close your eyes as one of her hands slowly runs up your side to softly squeeze and kneed one of your soft pale breasts before gently tugging on your nipple making you gasp softly. What is going on?

Roxy's kisses slowly move to your neck as her hands slide down to spread your legs. You moan softly as a hand snakes between your legs and slowly starts to rub your surprisingly wet pussy. You are too afraid to touch her back but besides stiffing a few sobs you just enjoy it for now twitching nervously from time to time expecting the worse around every corner. But it never comes as Roxy keeps rubbing your increasingly aching cunt while her lips run down to start sucking on your breasts. You moan softly and finally run a hand down to lightly grip her hair as she sucks on your tits while playing with your cunt.

Eventually her kisses trail down your flat stomach to your pussy and her tongue finds your aching clit. You are in heaven as she laps you up keeping your legs spread with her hands. You squeeze your own breast and grab onto the sheets as she eats you out so perfectly you forget about everything else and have quite an amazing orgasm with Roxy's tongue deep between your legs. After you stop bucking and trembling from your orgasm you blush as she slips back up to taste your lips again. The two of you make out a bit before Roxy pulls an inch away looking at you expectantly as she reaches over to grab your ass.

Blushing, you realize she wants a bit of fun too. You are terrified of trying anything with her but you eventually go for it with her expectant look. You slide forward to take her lips slowly but passionately while your hand snakes down between her legs. Roxy gives a soft moan as you slowly rub her own wet cunt and you blush realizing how much that turns you on to hear her moan. What is going on? The two of you quickly get quite turned on and things get more passionate quickly. You yearn to hear this sexy redhead moan so quickly bury your fingers up her sopping wet cunt making you cry out in pleasure over and over. In return she nibbles and kisses along your neck and shoulder spreading your ass to finger you from behind as well.

The two of you tumble around the bed fucking each other and making out, squeezing each other's asses and soft breasts until you both end up in a passionate 69 position eating each other out until you both cum hard at the same time, tongues lapping up each other's aching clits with fingers fucking each other's holes. When you are finally done you both jump a bit as you hear a voice from the doorway. "I see you two are having fun."

You both look up blushing to see Cassandra standing there looking you two over with a level expression. She notices your bruises and your poor condition and frowns a bit then waits for you two to pull away from each other. "I think I need a word with Roxy." Cassandra says coldly. "Pixie, I believe you have work tomorrow. You'll be hearing from us." She says dismissively.

You awkwardly nod and slowly get out of the bed hardly able to stand both from your rough treatment and from your surprisingly delightful sex with Roxy. "Yes mistress." You murmur as you look around and grab one of Roxy's large t-shirts and eventually make it out to your car and drive home. Your parents spot you coming in practically naked but you just flick them off and lock yourself in your room after grabbing something to eat. You cuddle in your bed for the rest of the night running things over in your head. You are a jumble of emotions. That sex at the end is going to be in your head for a while, Roxy is sexy as fuck. But her treatment before that... it was like a complete 180 on you. You tremble a bit and give a soft sob just remembering her treatment of you and have to calm yourself down. You figure you'll try to avoid Roxy the best you can, if you can, but your opinion of her is slightly better somehow. Plus you get the feeling Cassandra was about to lay into her about your rough condition when you left. Maybe she'll be nicer in the future?

Drifting off to sleep is easy after a warm shower, your body aching for rest. The next day you almost sleep through work and end up a bit late. Working at the grocery store you spend the day bagging groceries, fronting stock, and returning carts out in the parking lot but your head is back with your two mistresses going over every little detail over and over. God you love being dominated by Cassandra. She was hot and sexy and commanding. And stern. Just how she was online. Roxy... well you've thought enough about Roxy. Hell, you've half-way forgotten that you are being blackmailed during all of this. Do you really not care?

Eventually your shift is over and you end up back home and it isn't until later that night once it is dark that you finally get in contact with Cassandra. They want you online for another webcam session, this time with both Cassandra and Roxy. You get on your normal slave outfit, a black latex garter belt and slave collar and get rid of everything else before logging on and accepting their request.

For the first time you are allowed to see Cassandra while online, both her and Roxy in a room you don't recognize staring back at you obviously sitting on a bed cuddling slightly as they watch you through what you can only assume is some kind of table or laptop. "Good evening Pixie, I hope you didn't think our online sessions would end now that you are my slave in person." Cassandra says coolly looking over your attire as you put down your own laptop at the end of your bed and scoot back so she can see you completely. You blush a bit and quickly run to your closet and get your gear putting the box full of it on the bed next to you then gasp realizing you never responded.

"Ooo...of courseeee mistress!" You squeak.

"And I can see you need to be punished already." Cassandra muses. "Ten spanks with the paddle Pixie." She commands.

You blush a bit angry with yourself, you've always wanted to be a good slave for Cassandra. And for some reason punishing yourself in front of Roxy makes it all the worse. You get on all fours on the bed arranging for the two to get a good view of your ass then grab your paddle. You bring it back on your right ass cheek hard grunting and pull your head down as pain spreads over your ass cheek. "One." You say. You bring the paddle down hard on your other ass cheek letting it bounce hard and gasp again. "Two." You learned a long time ago not to spare yourself during punishments just because you are the one doing it. Cassandra always makes you do it again and again until she is satisfied so you've learned to spank yourself almost as hard as you can from the get-go.

By the time you get to ten your ass is beat red and you are holding back some tears in your eyes as your ass burns in stinging pain from jumping hard from your paddle ten times.

"Good girl Pixie." Cassandra replies when you finally turn back around wincing as you sit on your ass to face her. "I hope you won't make that mistake again." She says waiting for you to nod sheepishly. Cassandra then goes on to say that they will both be your mistress tonight and that you should take Roxy's words as if they were her own. You don't like the idea but have to agree none-the-less. In a way you grow more comfortable being on the other end of a webcam again and practically forget about the blackmail once more. This is your comfort zone and you can almost trick yourself into thinking everything is all right.

The two start off slow, Cassandra making you play with your pussy on camera for her before Roxy makes you finger your ass spreading it and spanking it some more as you finger it making you gasp in pain from it still being red from earlier. After that Cassandra has you put on some nipple clamps with some chain hanging down between them constantly tugging on your aching nipples making you gasp a bit. She then decides your ass needs more and has you start to fuck it with one of your dildos.

After they watch you tug on your nipple clamps while fucking your ass Roxy makes you suck on the cock to your disgust making you hate her a bit again. But confident on the other side of the webcam you suck on it and gag on it for her practically deep throating the cock until tears are running down your cheek. After that Cassandra makes you take a crop and crop your aching pussy and thighs until both are nice and red and you are practically screaming in pain with tears freely flowing. She makes you put on a ball-gag and turn on your music loudly so you don't alert your parents, one of the down-sides of being at home.

Finally they let you fuck yourself with the well-lubed cock and you have an amazing orgasm with your legs spread for the camera fucking your sopping wet pussy hard with the dildo until you cum all over it trembling and bucking your hips. The two decide they like watching you buck around in orgasm and set up quite the next hour for you. They make you put on a blindfold along with your gag after shoving a vibrator up both your ass and pussy making sure to pick the strongest ones you have. You then have to put some latex panties on to keep them there before handcuffing yourself to your headboard after turning them both on.

Over the neck hour you are at the mercy of the vibrators humming violently between your legs. You buck your legs and twist your body as pleasure wracks your mind tugging hard against your handcuffs as it all quickly becomes too much. You are in waves of ecstasy and pleasure for the next hour as you cum again and again handcuffed to the bed unable to save yourself from the orgasms forced on you again and again. The whole time Roxy and Cassandra degrade you telling you home much of a whore and a slut you are cumming like a bitch over and over for their pleasure.

By the time the hour is done you are more than worn out but Cassandra does eventually tell you to free yourself. It is hard and for a moment you are not sure you'll be able to get the key but you go into practice, you've done this many times, and barely manage to get out of the handcuffs. You can't get out of the panties fast enough and the vibrators quickly come after as you lay on the bed for a solid five minutes just trembling and moaning softly through the gag finally released from the pleasure. The two take a break then letting you clean up and recover before coming back about thirty minutes later.

Then you hear a familiar phrase. "Ready for round two?" from Roxy as she grins into the webcam. You go a bit pale as you realize she'll be in charge of the next portion of the session. Fuck, which Roxy are you going to get?


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