VRX 9000: Sex Games / Possession (11222).

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

Random Adventures - Kinsey's Carnival Funhouse

Room 5: Kinsey Possessed

Ticket Count: ???

Prize List: 0


The Story:

You stumble back crying out as the black spirit that has possessed Alyssa shoots right towards your body seeking a stronger host. You try to get away but there is no out-crawling black smoke as it slams into your body sending a very unique tingling feeling along your skin as you lose control. You gasp outline squirming as darkness slowly creeps into the sides of your vision. You feel your own lips form into a cruel smile as the evil spirit takes you over before your entire screen goes black and a message appears.

"You have been taken over by a power evil spirit. You, or should I say your character, is now travelling the Carnival in your stead with cruel intentions for both you and your friends. As this is one of the bad options in the game you will be kicked out of the game for 24 hours as the spirit travels around in your stead. When you come back to play you will be in a completely new place in the carnival in a completely new situation finally escaped from the evil spirit. We are sorry for those desperate to play in the next 24 hours. For those who might complain might we offer the following suggestion: Don't get possessed by evil spirits next time!"

And the you are logged off. You sit up in your bed taking off the headset as it defaults to the main menu. You... are done? You blink a bit getting used to the real world and find you have pretty good control still. In fact you can tell now that you are out of the game you could have controlled yourself in the real world at any time. It just isn't obvious and obviously masked over to keep you in the experience. You are extremely wet and horny blushing deeply as you slowly run a hand down to your aching pussy feeling how soaked your panties are. All of those in-game orgasms only served to turn you on in the real world, you didn't get to cum here!

As that takes precedence over your current possession dilemma you quickly slide out of your clothing and get to work. You immediately moan out loud as your fingers rub your desperate pussy as pleasure explodes over your body. Wow that feels so good! You close your eyes and think about all that happened in the virtual world and very quickly build up to a powerful orgasm. You run your other hand up to pull on your nipples over and over moaning loudly into your pillow eventually burying your face in it afraid your neighbors can hear. You normally are not this loud but you are so freaking horny after that game you can't stand it. You very quickly slide a finger up your sopped wet slit and buck hard riding yourself into the best real orgasm you've ever had almost passing out afterwards your body is trembling and twitching in pleasure so hard.

After sitting there quite pleased for a while you finally get up and slide into the shower. Unable to help yourself your hands find their way back to your pussy and nipples as you can't stop thinking about the carnival. Making out and getting eaten out by Melissa. Having fun and racing with Hillary and Amanda. The monsters in the haunted house and the damsel in distress Alyssa. Before you know it you are pumping two fingers up your tight cunt harder and harder and press your shoulder against the shower wall moaning loudly as you cum hard again almost falling down you cum so hard again. God you have to focus here Kinsey!

Eventually you calm down and make it through the shower and get out and get dressed trying to distract yourself from the game. You get on social media and... stalk your hot friends. You can't stop thinking about them now! You find pictures of all the friends you had sex with in the game and look them over. For the first time ever you start to think about which ones are single and possibly interested. You try to shake yourself out of it, you are not a lesbian in real life! That was just a game. But you come back to the realization each time that what you experienced in the game very definitely has turned you at least bi. All you can think of are tits and ass and having a beautiful woman's lips eating you out smothered between your thick thighs.

You almost masturbate again but manage to avoid it with some summoned-up will power. Eventually you decide on Alyssa. She is single and you can recall her telling you were bi actually. In fact now that you are thinking about it from a lesbian point of view she was almost certainly hitting on you way back when. Of course that was like a year ago, she probably isn't interested any more. Is she? Maybe? You text her then wait in agonizing anxiety for an hour before you finally realize how late it is. She is probably sleeping. Ugh! You finally manage to go to sleep yourself going to charge your virtual headset catching yourself staring at it at various points while trying to fall asleep. Not being able to play for 24 hours is just cruel after letting you experience all of that.

The next morning you wake up rather refreshed and in a good mood. You grab your phone and see Alyssa has replied. Yes! You text her back and you quickly ask her to hang out with you. She says she likes that idea and you suggest maybe grabbing dinner and a movie tonight. Alyssa responds.

"So like a date? haha"

"It's a date!" You reply with some emojis feeling extremely anxious. God did you just do that in real life? A date with your friend? Another woman? You blush a bit but Alyssa just gives you a thumbs up and says she'll see you then. Of course the rest of the day you are a nervous wreck between checking your text messages with Alyssa afraid she'll back out and checking the availability of the carnival VR game which frustratingly still won't let you back in.

Eventually the time comes and you freak out realizing you need to pick out something to wear. Normally you are pretty laid back and just grab something but you are kind of serious about trying a lesbian relationship after that experience and want Alyssa to get that impression. God, what are you doing? You almost back out then and there freaking out about how fast you are trying to jump into all of this but eventually calm down and pick something out. A nice, pretty sun dress that is just a bit too short that does a good job of showing you off. You decide not to wear a bra either feeling rather scandalous after the confidence boost in VR. Of course by the time you are heading out you change your mind freaking out again and run back and put on a bra before leaving.

When you get to dinner Alyssa is waiting for you and gives you a big hug. She is dressed in some tight black yoga pants that do an amazing job at showing off her absolutely god-like thick ass and thighs. You almost forget to look away after taking notice used to being able to just start in the VR world. She is wearing just a normal, yet nice, t-shirt above that. "Wow, looking good Kinsey!" She says in greeting as you both hug.

"You too!" You say back quickly before getting into some small talk.

The two of you get your table and after a few minutes Alyssa asks if you are ok. You seem pretty nervous. You brush it off a bit but you can tell she is still a bit suspicious of your behavior but the two of you move past it and have a great time. Finally when the check comes and you offer to pay Alyssa gives you a laugh and an enduring smile leaning over towards you a bit. "This really is a date, isn't it?" She asks biting her lip a bit nervously you can tell.

You almost panic and deny it but catch yourself and just calm yourself down for a moment or two before you answer hesitantly. "Yes....?"" You say nervously.

"Oh wow." Alyssa says sitting back a bit shocked then seems to organize herself a bit. "I actually thought you were joking earlier. But..." She says making you grow pretty nervous and almost stop her just then. She notices you are about to cut her off so quickly continues stopping you. "Good." She says with a sweet smile.

You are a bit speechless after that. Really? She is good with that? Ugh are you really doing the whole lesbian college experimentation phase of your life? You watch Alyssa get up as you both get up to leave and see her fantastic ass again. Ok, yes, you are doing this. Deciding to grow a pair as the two of you walk out you actually take her hand and hold it. Alyssa seems surprised but just gives you a sweet smile and walks out with you hand in hand. Of course you both drove separately so you have to split up to get to the movie theatre.

"See you there!" Alyssa says letting go and gets in her card. You do the same walking away awkwardly and hating yourself the entire drive to the movies. You held her hand! You are moving too fast! Ugh what will other people say when they find out that you are dating a girl! Do you really want to date a girl? Maybe you should keep it all in virtual reality and be normal in real life. But you already told her it was a real date and made a move to hold her hand! You are a mess by the time you get to the movie theater and see Alyssa again but she calms you down by taking your hand this time when she notices you don't do it again.

You both flirt and talk awkwardly until the movie starts, both of you obviously a bit nervous now that it is an official date and not a friends hanging out type of date. You are too afraid to make the first move and make it most of the way through the movie without anything happening. Then, during a big kiss scene, you look over to see Alyssa looking over at you and blush. You can see herself steel herself and just goes for it sliding over to give you a kiss slowly closing her eyes. You blush deeply and kiss her back gasping softly at the taste of her soft lips. God it tastes so good! Better than even VR! Although VR still is pretty close.

The two of you kiss for a few seconds, both blushing a bit realizing that this is happening. Then you get a little confidence suddenly somehow in your confidence zone after all of that VR experience and decide to try a little technique used by Melissa in the game with your tongue. You run it the way she did along Alyssa's tongue and gets a very confidence-building gasp of pleasure out of her before you both pull away. The rest of the date goes pretty well but you both head home afterwards as a short, quick kiss back at your cars now that you are a bit nervous not in the darkness of the movie theater. You can both tell both of you wouldn't mind a little more but keeping it simple and slow you both head home and end up texting a bit that night.

Eventually you find yourself in your bed in your pajamas and look over at the VR headset and put it on hungrily. God you want more. You are annoyed to find you still have an hour left in your possessed period. You wonder if maybe you should text Alyssa and tell her to come over. You blush deeply at just the thought. You can't do stuff like that in real life on the first date! But god are you so horny after all of this sex you've had recently runs through your mind. And that kiss. Ugh that kiss was so good. You certainly prefer real life but you do like the freedom of VR. You blush a bit looking back and forth between your phone and the headset. Should you take a risk and invite her or wait thirty minutes and lose yourself in the game again?


Which door do you pick?

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