VRX 9000: Sex Games / PP - SMP1 - The Beach

From Create Your Own Story


VRX 9000: Sex Games

5) The Spring Cabin Series - Popular Porn Stars

The Secret Mission Phase - Part 1 - The Beach

While everyone pounces on the Spring Cabin as the game beings, Dani, Lexi, and Britney find themselves content out by the crashing waves of the beach and decide to stay outside a little bit longer. All three check their phones calmly taking their time and each one finds they need something different. Lexi's secret objective is to play party games. Looking around, her first destination is obvious as she spots a large group of volleyball players gathering around a volleyball net in the sand. With a warm smile Lexi starts to make her way there making sure she is looking good in her tight white one piece idly wishing she had a matching whistle. She did always like making a scene. Britney's secret objective is to fulfill fan requests making her frown slightly. Not what she would have picked but she'll have to make do. Britney finds herself wandering around trying to make more than a little eye contact. Dani, last of all, find herself needing to make out with the other players and calmly stays put for a moment watching both Britney and Lexi. After a moment Dani decides Lexi will be an easier target and hurries after Lexi to join in at the volleyball game as the cute little blonde gives her a friendly, yet knowing smile.

The cute, sexy little blonde bounces up to the group playing volleyball with a big playful smile on her face 'accidently' showing off her perfect slightly-tanned body letting herself almost fall out of her swimsuit. "Heeeey ya'll need one more?" Lexi says with a hopeful, innocent look.

"Hell yeah we do. Your friend can join too if she wants so we can have even teams." Someone says, obvious interest painting their faces. Lexi pretends to blush as more than one pair of eyes run up and down her hardly covered slim shape.

Lexi glances back to Dani in response who quickly waves and catches up. "I'm in!" She says with a competitive grin getting some cheers of applause. Dani doesn't even have to try to get eyes glancing her way. Being taller than the average woman here draws the eye and her fantastic ass bouncing behind her with charming tan skin well shown off by her bikini is hard not stare at. She actually looks like she'd be good at volleyball too which makes Lexi frown a bit.

As the group decides teams Dani walks up to Lexi with a mischievous look. "How about a little wager? My team wins the game and you have to help me with my secret objective. If your team wins then I'll help you. Fair enough?" Dani offers with a suggestive look to go with it hinting that her objective might involve a little fun.

Glancing at the mischievous looking Dani, Lexi takes a few moments to ponder the offer. Lexi isn't a lesbian like Dani, but she can't help but admit the other porn star is incredibly attractive. Lexi's first gut feeling is to ignore her request, but she can't help but think that these volleyball players might just stick to volleyball and she'll never get any points. She might need the help. Squirming a bit quite aware Dani is still checking her out Lexi finally nods and sticks her hand out to shake on it. "You're on." Lexi says brightly with a big smile and Dani returns it while shaking her hand back in return.

The game draws a lot of onlookers both for how good the game is and how hot the players are. Lexi looks like a sexy little minx running around with her one-piece sliding up her ass showing it off while her cute little laughs and falls are adorable and rather attractive. Everything she does is attractive, even if she turns out to be not so great at volleyball. A lot of eyes are on Dani as well as her busty ass is practically a volley-ball staple. More than that she is actually really good and ends up with a lot of people cheering her on. Lexi gives an audible groan as her team starts to lose.

On the sidelines spotting both Lexi and Dani, Britney stays well away and heads down closer to the shore to give the two some room. She doesn't know what their objectives are and knows she doesn't need the other players for hers. Best to stay clear. Casually walking along the shore glancing at sea shells and various party-goers Britney finally hears what she is looking for after a minute or so as a large wave washes over her feet. "Damn, is that Britney Amber? Even hotter in person."

Looking over with a smile Britney walks right up to three different women standing out in the waves, bodies half-submerged in the water. "Hey, care if I join you?" Britney asks with a charismatic and outgoing smile. The three can't help but take a quick look up close at her impressive cleavage in her white bikini the three quickly nod yes.

"Damn, Britney Amber herself. I love your work." One of the three say with a wink.

"Oh, so you know me?" Britney asks as if she didn't know. "Well here is your chance." She says diving right into it and not wasting any time. "Anything you ever want to do with me? I've had a few drinks I'm feeling awfully willing to do just about anything." She adds with a wink.

They pretty much all stare at Britney's tits so she just grins and takes off her top letting her large, busty tan tits spill out with a beautiful wet sheen highlighting them perfectly. The three just stare in awe. Britney looks them over back herself, they are quite attractive themselves. One being a hot little Hispanic chick with her hair back in a tight ponytail, skinny as can be despite her massive tits and shapely ass while another has dyed pink shaggy shorter hair and the body of a porn star, if not quite as busty as she needs to be. The last one looks pure confidence with long beautiful curly raven hair blowing in the wind with rock hard abs and an incredibly athletic body. All three are rocking designer one-pieces, likely advertising for some sort of swim suit company on social media. Britney soon finds out the raven haired one is Miranda, the Hispanic is Penelope, and the chick with dyed hair is Charlie.

"Damn." says Charlie, obviously interested.

"Well go ahead, I'm sure you all wanted a feel right?" Britney suggests.

The three just blush a bit looking at each other and laughing before two of them walk up letting the waves push them forward and reach out hands to cup and grope Britney's squeezable tits again and again getting Britney to bite her lip a bit as her nipples get hard from all the touching. Miranda gets a little more bold and steps behind Britney to run her arms around her and cup both of her breasts from behind. "God these are just perfect!" She comments pulling them this way and that while squeezing.

"And her nipples are so hard!" Penelope comments with a giggle.

"She must be enjoying this as much as we are!" Miranda comments then decides to be a bit more forward and runs a hand down between Britney's legs from behind and starts to rub her pussy firmly from below making Britney gasp softly but just grin. This is just another days work. Britney stands in the waves letting the three grope her tits, rub and pull on her nipples, all while Miranda slowly turns her on by rubbing her pussy slipping her hand below her bikini bottom letting Britney enjoy this a bit more than she had anticipated. Her fat tits get pulled this way and that, cupped and squeezed with her nipples being rubbed and pulled hard. These chicks really know how to work her tan, meaty breasts making Britney bite her lip a few times in pleasure.

Eventually she gets away before things get too far out of hand and checks her phone after drying off a little and frowns putting her top back on. "Damn, just one?" She only received one point from the three. Groups must count as one, or they could have counted as three if she had asked each of them what they wanted. Britney realizes it'll probably be better to find single fans just to be safe and starts her prowl among the lounging party-goers tanning along the beach adjusting her top barely containing her busty tits.

A cheer rings out over by the volleyball net and Dani's team all huddle together hugging and slapping each other's asses in victory, more than a few finding their way to grab Dani's incredible one. Lexi just walks off the court dejected with a large pout. "That wasn't even close." She complains with a friendly giggle getting a few nods from her team. Lexi leaves them behind telling them she'll be right back and watches the group settle in around some pool chairs realizing this is her chance. Needing to get Dani out of the way, Lexi quickly walks over to sit down next to Dani who has made her way over to a lounge chair after flirting a bit with the women on her team.

Dani pats the chair next to her. "Well, sit down and we'll just have a little bit of fun. Don't worry, I don't bite. Much." Dani jokes still with that mischievous grin on her face. Lexi nervously lays down on the chair and blushes a bit as Dani just crawls over her and cups her cheek. "God you are too cute." Dani mumbles before leaning down to take Lexi's lips with her own as the smaller blonde porn star admits defeat and gives in to their deal from earlier. Dani's expert lips take Lexi's again and again and the two laugh a bit as they hear cheers from the group they just left. Lexi realizes she never even asked what Dani's secret objective is.

Egged on Dani ramps it up and presses her body down against Lexi's as the smaller, cute form of Lexi presses back up against her as she closes her eyes and gets lost in the kiss, tongue's lashing out to press against each other. Not about to leave it there, as an avid lesbian in real life Dani takes full opportunity of having the sexy little minx Lexi under her lips. Tasting her sultry little lips while hearing her quiet, feminine gasps is just too appetizing. Dani's hand slips forward under Lexi's one-piece to start playing with her perky little breasts and nipples. Once nice and hard Dani's hand then moves down to pull Lexi's one-piece to the side revealing her shaved, perfect little pussy and starts to rub it, already wet. Lexi, well used to this, gives off a few louder high-pitched feminine moans driving Dani crazy as she plays with her wet slit not resisting even a little pushing her hips up against Dani's hand and grinding.

The two push their tongues against each other a few more times while Dani pushes her middle finger past Lexi's lips and fills her tight little hole, slowly finger fucking her incredible pussy. Lexi moans softly from getting stretched again and again before Dani finally pulls it out and stops the kiss bringing her finger up to push between Lexi's other lips making her suck on it. "Thanks, cutie." Dani says loving the look of Lexi's docile, turned on face sucking on her finger with a light, embarrassed blush. "Don't worry, I'll get you started with that group. What do you need to do? Maybe the two of us can help each other out. I'd hate to get on your bad side and miss a chance to do this again later tonight." Dani says finally pulling her finger out to circle Lexi's perky little nipples against.

Lexi frowns a bit not wanting to tell Dani her secret mission but at the same time isn't about to pass up free help. "I need to play some party games." Lexi admits not covering herself yet, just laying there as a sexy little plaything for Dani.

Dani checks her phone seeing she got a point for making out with Lexi before stowing it again, stalling a bit not wanting to leave Lexi's hot little body. "Well let's get started!" Dani says with a warm smile after a bit and gets up and helps Lexi up after. The two head back towards the group and Dani waves with a grin, arm around Lexi's slim waist. "Ya'll miss us?" The two can't help but grin as the group cheers their return, Lexi finally covering herself back up.

The two porn stars quickly suggest a drinking game and the group is all for it. Especially when the prizes are getting to make out with the loser, everyone hoping it is either Dani or Lexi although there are some rather athletic and attractive volleyball players in the group that are also big targets. After a few rounds, Lexi winning one getting a bit drunk and making out with her choice Dani steps up to go get some more drinks letting Lexi take over.

In actuality she spotted Britney cornering some random party-goer at her table acting all seductive-like. Dani walks over after getting out of line of sight from the earlier group and finds Britney talking to a rather shy looking obvious-fan who has her hand on Britney's thigh slowly rubbing it. Dani overhears part of the conversation, both focused on each other and don't spot her approaching. "Come on, surely there is something you can think of that you'd always like to do with your favorite porn star." She suggests keeping the woman's hand on her thigh inching it up while spreading her legs invitingly.

"I think." Dani says sitting down right behind Britney wrapping her arms around her. "That she'd probably love to watch one porn star make out with another one right in front of her. Right?" Dani says with a grin as the two look up at her startled.

However it does pay off as the woman nods quickly with an excited blush. Britney gives Dani a small frown but finally just nods.

Dani turns her head and takes Britney's beautiful, full lips and the two close their eyes starting to make out. Britney's hands go to hold onto Dani's as her arms wrap around finding her breasts and pull them out of her bikini making Britney just roll her eyes slightly opening them for a moment. Dani gladly squeezes Britney's fantastic tits again and again pulling them this way and that. Dani smirks also realizing the shy girl pushes her hand forward and is slowly rubbing Britney's pussy as well finally.

Not about to let this end quickly, Dani gets a firm grasp of Britney's hair from behind and keeps her in a deep, passionate kiss for some time despite Britney's attempts to get out of it, hands firm on Dani's wrists. Dani just keeps her other hand on Britney's incredibly busty tits cupping and getting sexy full handfuls of them pinching and tugging on her nipples as well. Dani realizes she could just sit and play with these perfect busty tan tits all night! Ryan gets encouraged through-out watching the two have fun and eventually pushes two fingers right past Britney's lips filling her and slowly fucking her with long, slow strokes. Britney, trying to slow the two down by grabbing at both sets of wrists eventually gives up and starts to give a few soft moans as they work her body. And while she is annoyed with Dani at the moment she can't help but consider her to be a very good kisser.

Deciding to turn it up a notch before she leaves Dani finally breaks the kiss with Britney after getting her point and moves her hand from Britney's fantastic breasts to join Ryan's hand below. Britney gasps as Dani's expert fingers begin to rub her hot little clit, joining Ryan fingering her slowly and relentlessly. Dani then leans past Britney, keeping the hot porn star between them still, and grabs Ryan's hair to pull her into another kiss. Ryan blushes deeply and seems super into it as she starts to brace her hand and finger Britney harder. Britney can only buck her hips and bite her lip stifling a moan as she watches the two beautiful women make out in a slow, sensual way while both playing with her increasingly wet, slick cunt.

Once Britney is nice and flustered Dani finally pulls away and gives Britney a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thanks, lover." She says with a wink then runs a hand teasingly along Ryan's cheek as well. "Don't let this one get away." She says with a knowing look before getting up and heading towards the house checking her phone. Another point, and everyone outside made out with. Loving this game already Dani seeks out new blood.

Britney, flustered, takes a little bit to escape Ryan and ends up having to fake an orgasm to get away from her. It isn't that Ryan isn't good, it is more than Britney doesn't have time to play. Getting a second point and glad to just stay outside, Britney tries to calm down and find some new fans staying away from where she can see Lexi still hanging out with the volleyball players. Lexi, looking a bit drunk after her drinking games, seems to be making out with volleyball players left and right, and none of them keeping their hands off as Lexi's tight one-piece seems permanently pulled to the side with her cute little feminine giggles and moans reaching even Britney. While Lexi is having fun, she hasn't won another drinking game yet and only has a single point so far.

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