VRX 9000: Sex Games / Oink! Oink! (1)

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

The Ayumi Adventures: Invading the Cult

Quest 1: The Mazrim Cult


Your body is exploding in pleasure so much that you can hardly stand. You can hardly speak. You certainly can't think. Your knees are buckling under you and the two other slaves pound your pussy harder and harder relentlessly. You decide there is nothing to do but do what they say. You are completely broken by pleasure. It is all you want right now, all you can think about. The normal you would want to defy them. The normal you would never degrade yourself just to be relieved. But you are not you anymore. You are something less, something has changed somewhere along the lines. You are desperate to do any and everything you can do release the pleasure consuming your mind and body. So you cry out with your only chance, another tear sliding down your other cheek. "Oink! OINK! OINK!!! PLEASE!!!! OINK!!!" Humiliation floods over you and you almost start sobbing but some last bit of fighter strength keeps you from going that far.

Both of the girls laugh, then Ashley kisses you lightly once with a grin on her face. "Cum for me piggy."

You lose it, then and there. You have the most amazing and explosive orgasm of your life as you melt against their bodies, cumming everywhere and trembling violently. You scream as you do, eyes rolling up in your head as you squirt cum everywhere slowly collapsing to the ground. The pleasure is beyond amazing and you can think of no better thing that what just happened to you. Slowly but surely the girls let you fall down and before you know it you are on your knees and head on the cage floor, thought slowly coming back to you. Another wave of humiliation washes over you and you blush deeply, breathing hard as your body settles down. Fuck, how did they make you do that?

The women don't give you any respite however and suddenly you feel a hand grab your hair hand and pull your face over into something wet which you know must be your cum. "Lick it up little piggy." Rachel says, forcing your face in it. You pause for just a second before slowly going numb and running your tongue out against the floor. The taste is terrible and you gag slightly, but after a while get a rhythm going licking up your own cum.

Ashley doesn't let it be that easy though and starts cropping your ass which is sticking up now making you wince over and over, not being effected by the pain quite as much without the pleasure wracking your body. "Who owns your ass piggy? Wiggle that fucking ass." Ashley says with a laugh.

You wiggle your ass as you lap up your own cum, face a permanent red as you randomly cry out from your ass slowly turning a light shade of red. "Mistress Ashley owns this ass, mistress." You say, defeated. Another tear comes to your eyes. How did this happen? How?

Finally you hear Zuna's voice walk up to the cage. Relief floods over you. You've done everything they've asked. Surely she'll end it here and not punish you. You've done everything she has asked! But what she says suddenly fills you with dread. "Ooo, a little piggy? I like that idea." She pauses for a second, doing something in which you don't know what. "You two want a permanent little pet?"

"Yes, mistress." The two both say in unison and you feel yourself turning pale. No! She can't!

Zuna continues then. "You two may take our fighter here into the next room. I want you to transform our fighter here into a proper pig. When you come out, I want her oinking and looking the part. And acting it. If you succeed, you may keep her and do whatever you want with her. My gift. But if you fail, maybe i'll let her switch spots with you."

"We will turn her into a proper pig, mistress." Rachel says confidently.

"We won't fail you, mistress." Ashley says after that.

"Good." Zuna says, opening up the cage door again. "Take her into the next room. I'll want a demonstration when you are done." You then hear her giggle.

"Yes, mistress." Rachel says. Suddenly you are grabbed by the hair and you curse in pain as they drag you by your hair out of the cage. With your legs so weak from having such a big orgasm you can hardly keep up, crying in pain each time they tug on your hair. As you are dragged past the wooden door into the next room, whatever is in there, their conversation finally washes over you completely. Turn you into a pig? Hell no! You won't let them! But the idea of being left alone with these two scares you. All they had were their hands and a crop in the cage. Who knows what they'll have now? You'll somehow resist them. You don't have to do anything they say anymore. In fact, if you hold out Zuna said you could have a go at them. And that is something you want very much after what they've done to you.

Another yank of your hair and you are pulled out of your thoughts as you hear the wooden door close behind you. You get drug a bit into the room before they finally just toss you to the floor. You then hear Ashley's voice. "Mm, now what should we do with our little piggy?"

"I think i'm going to grab a few things. You tie her up somewhere so we can play with her." Rachel says as you hear her footsteps wander off into the room. You curse slightly under your breath, you would have rather been left with her than Ashley.

Suddenly your hair gets grabbed again as Ashley starts to drag you somewhere. Your mind races and you cry out without even realizing it. "Please! You two are slaves as well! You can't do this to me! Let me go, we can escape! I am a powerful fighter! PLEASE!"

"Sorry fighter, you are nothing but a pig now." Ashley laughs, suddenly picking you up to toss your body over some kind of crate. "And I thought I told you not to speak unless spoken to." Suddenly her hand lands hard on your ass making you cry out in pain then bite your teeth together hard as she starts spanking you over and over again.

"FUCK! NO!" You cry out, twisting in pain as her hand finds your firm ass over and over making solid contact each time. By the time she is done your spurt of hope to have them help you is gone. You just lay against the crate trying not to cry. Why are they doing this? God your ass stings so badly now!

You then hear the footsteps of Rachel returning. "Help me put these on her." Rachel says. Before you know it your legs get lifted and something super tight is forced up your legs. The two struggle a bit to force it up but by the time they are done you have some very tight latex leggings going half-way up your thighs. They remind you of the ones Zuna put on you which almost makes you sob. The women then lift your body up and slide some more latex under you before squeezing your breasts through two small holes in it. They then attach it to your body giving you a latex corset that goes all the way up to your neck with holes cut in for your breasts to show through making them seem more firm as they are squeezed through. You then feel them slide a collar around your neck.

"Please... no...!" You beg, but it is no use. The women then attach some kind of strap to the front of your collar tightening it down between your breasts to a strap sliding around your body just under them forcing the latex to lift your breasts. You then feel some kind of string panties forced up your legs with some kind of strange plastic piece attached to it. When they finally get it over your shapely hips you feel the plastic rest against your pussy and blush when it gets attached to your clit. You then feel two similar plastic bits forced over your nipples attaching to your breasts with the nipples sticking through a hole in the middle just like your clit. You don't know what you look like but you are horrified just thinking about it. "Please..." You beg.

"I don't think she likes her new clothes." Rachel says with a small laugh. "Let's show them to her better." With that Rachel tugs off your blindfold and you get to see her for the first time. She is smaller like you imagined, a small petite girl with long gorgeous brunette hair, not much for tits, but you can tell her ass is small but perfect. Ashley walks over then, smirking down at you. She is busty redhead with massive tits and ass, although not nearly as tight as you or Rachel. Both have collars on and you can see Rachel has quite a few whip marks across her body from earlier. She must have resisted a lot, maybe if you can just get that part out of her again she'll help you. She just smiles though, lifting a small mirror to your face letting you look over yourself.

You blush immediately. Your tits look massive in the pink and white latex around your upper body and your legs look amazing in the long pink latex leggings. But what gets your the most are the plastic hearts around your nipples and nestled between your legs. You've never looked sluttier in your life! You let out a small sob but Rachel just slaps you hard suddenly. "I've had enough of your complaining now pig. You can see what you are now. The only things I want out of your mouth now are yes mistress, no mistress, and you begging to please us. Got it?"

You just look at her with a humiliated expression, glancing around the room suddenly not wanting to meet her eyes. You get a glance of the room for the first time then. The walls are cave walls and the room seems to be filled with crates. To your horror the crates seem to be filled with all kinds of torture devices and sex toys. You could not be in a worse spot! There are even hooks and ropes along the walls. You then look back to Rachel, suddenly remembering. "Yes, mistress!"

"Took her long enough." Ashley says with a laugh.

Rachel then grabs your hair, forcing you to look over to a small pile she has made on a nearby crate. You see Ashley grab a paddle as she leaves your vision walking behind you and just give the piled a worried expression. "You see these piggy? These are more things I'm going to put on you. But you have to earn them. Ok? The more obedient you are, the more you get. Got it, piggy?" You eye the pile with horror. There is a small hat-like visor that has pig ears on it along with a hook that will force your nose up. There is even a large butt plug with a pig tail at the end of it. There are a few more items but you can't tell if they are part of that pile or not.

"Please don't put those on me, please!" You beg, looking up to her now.

"Wrong answer, piggy." Ashley says from behind you and you suddenly gasp loudly as her paddle lands on your ass hard. She starts to paddle you hard you start to twist and turn bent over the crate with your ass stuck out for perfect access. Ashley doesn't stop until you start to scream in pain, your ass turn a dark shade of red now.

"Please stop mistress, please!" You start to beg as the paddle keeps landing.

"Mistress who?" Ashley demands, paddling you harder making you wail.

"Mistress Ashley! AUGH!!! PLEASE! OH MY GOOOD!" You scream in pain, and she finally stops after delivering one final stinging blow which almost sets your building tears loose.

Rachel then grabs your chin then, forcing you to look up at her. "You see piggy, if you don't obey you get punished. But if you do as we say..." She smiles then and shows you a small pink remote control and slides a dial up on it. Your eyes instantly go wide as the three hearts attached to your three most sensitive spots start to vibrate making you gasp in surprise and pleasure. "Do you understand?"

Fuck! The vibrators feel so good! Fuck you can't stand it! "Yes, mistress!"

"Good." She says, then stands back up and suddenly offers you her foot, sliding it across your face. "Now clean my foot piggy. Show me how much you want to please your mistres." You look at her foot, completely disgusted. You just stare, blushing more at the humiliation at doing such a thing. She can't expect that from you! She then turns up the dial making you give a moan and twist as your nipples and clit are vibrated so much you can't stand but start to get wet. "Now, pig." Rachel commands.

With your eyes tearing up you desperately lean forward after giving another gasp of pleasure and run your tongue along the bottom of her foot. You gag slightly and pull away but then go again, slowly but surely starting to lick her without gagging. "Now suck on my toes pig." Rachel demands, sticking her foot more in your face.

You blush and look at her toes numb to everything before you suddenly scream as Ashley brings a long thin cane down hard on your ass. "FUCK!" You scream, twisting your head away from her foot as Ashley starts to cane your ass making you twist and writhe in pain on top of the crate desperate to escape the blows. "PLEASE NO! PLEASE MISTRESS ASHLEY!"

Your hair gets grabbed hard as Rachel forces you to look back at her foot. "Suck them pig."

Tears forming in your eyes again you can't stand the blows, desperate to make them stop, you lean forward and suck on her big toe. The caning starts to lessen then, large slow strokes now instead of the fast ones from before. You scream every time they land, pulling away from Rachel's toes. Every time though you desperately lean forward again to suck on them again, desperate to please them so they stop caning you. Your ass is on fire and the humming at your nipples and clit have you starting to tremble in pleasure making your whole body more sensitive. The two continue until tears start sliding down your cheeks, your ass hurting beyond belief while Rachel makes you suck her entire foot shoving most of it in your mouth before forcing you to start over on her other foot. When she is finally pleased with you the two stop, letting you sob and moan quietly on top of the crate.

Rachel then smiles, grabbing your hair again. "Good piggy, you are learning. I think it is time we gave you a little reward." Before you know it Ashley and Rachel are standing in front of you, Ashley wearing a massive white strap-on which makes you sob even more. "I'm going to give you a choice pet." Rachel says, forcing you to look up at them. "Ashley is going to fuck you in one of your holes. I'm letting her use your lips if she wants to. But I'll let you decide which one you want to get fucked in. Keep in mind, you are not allowed to cum. And of course, Ashley owns your tight ass, not me. She may choose to fuck it regardless of what you choose. I can't stop her."

Ashley grins and grabs your cheeks then, pulling your head towards her. "Which is it going to be piggy?"


What do you do?


Current Status: 85% - Normal, Aroused, Restrained

Current Items: None.

Current Alignment: (10/20) - Neutral

Main Quest: Find the Heirloom

Side Quests: None


Surge of Strength: x2

Intimidation: x1

Heart of Steel: x2

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