VRX 9000: Sex Games / My Demon's Pet: Anna's Story

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

My Demon's Pet: Anna's Story

Part 1: The Summoning



Welcome to the 'Anna's Story' version of the "My Pet Series"! This story plays out from the point of view of a powerful witch named Anna; a busty redhead who has magic to thank for her incredibly good looks and extravagant riches. Living in a mansion all by herself on the edge of town, Anna has ambitions to summon a succubus to help her claim others in the small village for her sexual cravings. As a very powerful and intelligent witch Anna has the. However, when the unexpected happens, Anna quickly finds herself at the other end of the leash. Will Anna succumb or will she find a way to exert her sexual domination on the small town after all? After all, it is never a good idea to underestimate a witch. ...

Anna's Description:

Anna stands at average height with an incredibly body with beautiful features all enhanced by magic to literal perfection. She has long, curly red hair and sparkling blue eyes with the most beautiful face you've ever seen highlighted by extremely pale, soft skin completely free from freckles or blemishes. She has large, busty firm breasts that are extremely perky and natural along with slim shoulders and a delicate waist. She has a flat, muscular stomach going down to an extremely shapely, thick ass and thighs both toned to perfection. With long, luscious legs she is part model, half sex toy desired by even the most modest. With a high pitched feminine voice she sparks lust with just a few words or the lightest of touch. She is usually seen in a black witch's hat, clinging black robes with long sleeves opened to show a large amount of bust, and black high heels with a black thong almost never wearing a bra.


The Story:

Your name is Anna, the town witch who has made a scrumptious life for yourself. You have everything you could ever want; the most beautiful body you could dream of, a sparkling, ornate mansion on the edge of a quiet, peaceful and secluded town, and as much riches as you ever dreamed of. You have lived a long life, well past one hundred at this point, and loneliness has finally set in. You don't have a love nor a lover. After a stroll through town watching all of the beautiful, innocent young women run around you get a devilish idea and quickly scamper back to your mansion to follow through with it.

As powerful as you are surely you can make others love you. Even better, you could summon a demon of lust to compel them to. Surely you can handle one powerful demon by yourself. Smiling happily as you go about your preparations you eye your beautiful two maids as you pass them in one of your mansion's long, luxurious hallways. While the two are extremely beautiful, in fact you hired them just for that reason, you've never laid a finger on them. It's more fun to have a tease walking around in your mind. Better to use your magic on those that you don't see every day.

Lusting after their young, beautiful bodies you gather your ingredients and come up with the perfect fail-safe. You craft a magical slave collar with a command word which you plan on quickly forcing on the demon once you've summoned it. With such a strong piece of magic around their throat even the strongest willed of demons will have a hard time resisting your orders. A week passes in preparation, you want to do this right. As much because you want to exert your sexual will over the small town as much as for safety from said summoned demon.

Eventually the perfect night comes to pass and you are set. Lightning crackles outside and a constant downpour of rain cackling against your roof makes you feel cozy and restless. Snuggled in your black robe sitting next to a warm, crackling fire you finally get up stretching your legs giving out an excited giggle of anticipation before practically skipping to the chamber where you have everything prepared. The maids have left hours ago, you should be in the clear. You can't get your massive smile off your face for even a moment. How exciting!

Less than an hour later you start the incantation, the room filling with a foggy black glaze as the candles around the summoning circle flicker with magical energy blowing through the room. Demonic words escape your lips and the circle, drawn in blood, starts to glow on the floor. You glance over to the pedestal with the collar next to you for quick reassurance before reciting the final words. There is a magical surge of energy and a portal opens straight from hell. You grin is from ear to ear as a succubus, her raw sexual magic emanating off of her in waves of pleasure appearing in the circle looking surprised. But not as surprised as you. There are two of them.

Twins! You gasp out loud pulling both of their gazes to yourself as they put together what just happened to them. You weren't meant to summon two of them. How could you know this particular succubus would have a twin sister? Their voluptuous red bodies both turn to you, wicked grins appearing on their full lips as they realize as you do that this is a summoning gone wrong. They get to play in the human world for once, devil's tails whipping excitedly behind them.

Acting too late you lash out with your magic grasping the collar and fling it with intent towards the succubus on the right. She isn't fast enough, your magic too potent, but her sister is and snatches it out of the air moments before it latches around her sister. No! You give a feminine grunt of displeasure as moments later the succubus teleport onto either side of you snatching your arms and your neck making you look up at their sinister, smiling faces. "Please..." You mutter, soft voice quivering in fear. That just deepens their grins.

"What do we have here, Linora?" The one of your left says choking you roughly making you look up into their towering eyes. They are taller than you expected.

"I think we just caught ourselves a witch, Lilith." The one on your right murmurs with excitement turning you to look at her running a hand softly along your cheek seductively before trailing her hand down to part you robe giving a flash of lust upon spotting your impressive breast spilling out below it. "And a very good looking one as well." She says with a sparkle in her eyes freeing you of your robe eagerly gazing over your body.

You try to speak but Lilith just chokes you more making your eyes water. You squirm a bit in their grasp but they just twist your captured arms roughly making you squeak pathetically in pain. With all your gifts you are not very strong or physical, perhaps a shortcoming you should fix later.

"Mmm, a fine specimen indeed. Did you intend to turn one of us into your slave?" Lilith says with a raspy, domineering voice holding up the collar she snatched earlier. She lets go of your neck finally letting you gasp and couch a bit before slapping your ass brutally making you give a high-pitched cry, your pale ass turning red immediately. Lilith continues to interrogate you roughly, obviously more physical and dominant while Linora, her twin sister, looks over your body greedily with eyes filled with lust much more looking to play.

Finally they both snatch your cheeks making you look at both of them whimpering in their grasp. "I think this collar will only work with one of us. Since you were so kind to summon us to your lovely mansion it is only fair you should get to pick which of us should be your new master." Linora says with a malicious grin. "Well, which will it be? One of us ought to have some fun while the other explores our new home." She says licking her lips eagerly.

Trembling and letting them part your lips by squeezing your cheeks you look from one to the other shakily. Do you really trust them to go by whichever one you pick? Do you even have one you'd prefer to command you through the collar? Just the idea of wearing makes your blood cold. This is quite the predicament. You choose one, without much other option.


What do you do?

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