VRX 9000: Sex Games / Move to practice on the slaves (1)

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

The Ayumi Adventures: Invading the Cult

Quest 1: The Mazrim Cult


You think over your options carefully before making up your mind looking over at the wooden door towards the slaves. Making an alliance with a cultist is one thing, but getting in bed with one is another. You'd cut off her hand if she tried to touch you sexually which is obviously what she wants to do. You are a fierce warrior not some bed warmer. Giving Zuna a cold look you walk over to the wooden door and toss it open looking inside. You are going to show her what you do to anyone who tries to touch you the way she wants. It is a shame that the slave girls have to get involved but that is just the way it is going to have to be. Zuna just smirks at your choice, walking behind you and closing the door after you letting you take in the room for the first time.

The room is obviously some sort of storage facility mostly filled with crates and barrels. To your disgust they are all filled to the brim with every kind of torture or bondage or sex device you can imagine. However, the main item in the room are the two slave girls tied up on the right wall mostly naked but a few torn rags clinging to their bodies at places and ball gags. They are covered in whip marks and look at you with contempt and fear. There are two, the one of the left is a petite brunette with fierce looking eyes like your own and the other is a busty red head with a frightened look.

Zuna starts to walk towards them but you give her a look that says you won't be letting her take the lead, you are picking first. Zuna just giggles and nods which makes you glare more before looking between the two girls. A demanding alliance, this one. Which do you want to break? The brunette reminds you of yourself, fierce. You might want to take her just so Zuna doesn't get the pleasure and learn how to break you. But on the other hand the red head's tits remind you of Zuna's, large although not as firm. It would be fun to use her and pretend it is Zuna. Glancing between the two you finally make up your mind. The brunette is nothing close to you, the red head will be more fun. So you choose her, walking over to her looking her up and down. You then glance back to Zuna who is watching you with an amused smile. "You get the brunette, apprentice."

"You would take the one with the nice tits." Zuna purrs, walking up to the brunette. "You couldn't stop staring at mine, now you want hers. I guess you are a tits girl and not an ass one." She just giggles with you stare daggers into her, wanting to punch her in the face. "Want to make a game of this fighter?" She purrs after a while, running her hands over her slave.

"No." You say coldly, looking over the red head again. "We break these two then continue with them as our slaves to look the part. I've agreed to as much as I will Zuna, ask again and I'll cut you in two." Zuna is quiet after that, shrugging and moving to get a few items. You look over your slave wondering how to break her. You've never done anything like this but you'll be damned before you ask Zuna for help. And as much as you hate to admit it, you really do want to squeeze her giant breasts. So you do, while Zuna is distracted with the crates, and lean forward taking her tits and squeezing them with both hands fully. The red head cries out in alarm but you ignore her, squeezing them over and over again before starting to play with her nipples getting gasps already out of the girl. "Oh, you have some sensitive tits don't you cow?" You comment, pinching her nipples getting a cry out of her.

So, this might be fun after all. You then pinch both of her nipples and pull them out and together getting a cry of pain out of the girl. You then release them letting them flop back then slap one of them hard getting a scream out of the girl. "Your breasts are mine now slave." You speak coldly, slapping the other hard getting a red mark and another scream. You then decide you know what you want, turning back to browse through the items looking for a nice long strap on. You finally find one, a large black one, but before you put it on Zuna suddenly tosses you something that you catch and glance at.

"Use that instead fighter, trust me." She says with a seductive smirk before finishing up her item hunt and moving back to the brunette. You see a few rather cruel devices in her pile. You glance at the small vial you caught, penis pills. You look back to Zuna before back to them once. Why not? You pop one in your mouth then start to undo your armor as you feel your clit start to grow with a blush. By the time you have your armor off and your leggings pulled down you pull out a rather large cock tearing off your red panties. Oh, this is going to be much better. You give Zuna a small nod before walking over to the red head.

She looks at your cock with wide surprised eyes and a scared look. You whip your sword out and with a single strike cut her down from the ropes releasing her from them. She pulls herself up to her knees on the ground looking up at you with a frightened look. You tear the ball gag out of her mouth and toss it to the side. "You do what I say or I'll cut you in half cow." You say down to her coldly. She just tries not to cry, not daring to move even though she is free.

You stroke your new cock idly, enjoying the feeling. This isn't half bad, you've always wondered. You then look to your new property. "Now titty fuck my new cock cow. NOW." You bark. The red head looks at you in disbelief, shaking her head a bit.

"No, please don't make me do that! Just let me go, I'll be good I swear! Just let us go!" She almost starts crying then.

You slap her hard, grabbing her hair afterwards as she looks up to you with a tear running down her cheek. "You are not going anywhere, now fuck my cock with your plump tits you little fucking cow before I cut off your arms." Another tear runs down her cheeks at that but she finally summons the courage to do it, getting to kneel right in front of you before pushing her breasts together above your dick before slowly pushing it through them. You find yourself biting your lip, it actually feels really good. Like you knew it would. "Now work it." You command and the redhead nods slightly, running her fat tits up and down your increasingly hard cock.

You let her do that for a good little while biting your lip over and over loving this new sense of pleasure. Being a little bad had its benefits. You glance over at Zuna then, she has a nasty set of clamps on the brunette's nipples and a massive plug filling the girl's tight ass and is rubbing the girl's red stained cunt while flicking the clamps. Not bad. You glance back at the red head, gripping her hair. "Now start sucking slave."

The red head is too cowed to resist, blushing and keeps her breasts together with her hands while bending down to take the tip of your cock in her mouth and suck on it. It feels so good! She just stand back and enjoy gripping her hair harder, moaning softly as her mouth slowly but surely moves further and further down your cock as it sits between her amazing tits. You didn't know this could feel so good. You finally really start to get turned on and decide you are ready to try out a few other holes with your new cock. Pulling away you grab the girl by the hair and start walking back to the main room. Zuna just watches you knowingly and the red head just whimpers following on all fours as fast as she can while you have her by the hair.

You toss the red head on Zuna's red bed after closing the wooden door behind you. You'll need a little privacy for a while. Stroking your now wet cock idly you look over the scared red head. "All fours, now." You bark and the red head listens, getting on all fours on the bed quickly. You look over her amazing full ass and perfect pussy nestled between her thighs. There is just one thing missing. Looking around you quickly find what you need, attaching a collar on the girl with a leash which you run down her back. Moving onto the bed behind her gripping the leash hard to make her head come up you run your cock between her ass cheeks testing it out. Fuck you want to put it in her so badly.

No wonder guys can't think about anything besides sex! You look down the amazing arced back of your slave and manage to finally smirk breaking out of your cold attitude for once. "Now tell me how much you want me to fuck you cow."

The red head looks back at you with a scared face, almost begging. But she knows better than to beg for you to stop so instead finally finds the courage to answer. "I want you... to fuck me... really hard. Right now. Please fuck my pussy!" She doesn't sound very convincing, but you had expected that. She'll learn.

"I'm not feeling it." You announce, sliding your cock to rest at her asshole. "I think you'll get fucked here until I'm convinced."

The red head looks back in horror feeling your tip against her asshole and shakes her head frantically. "Oh no please not there please!!!"

She screams as you shove your cock up her ass half way, your eyes almost rolling up as the pleasure washes over you. God she has one tight asshole for having such a busty ass! You work your cock back and forth half way into her gasping in pleasure. The red head just buries her head in the sheets crying in pain until you yank the leash back hard shoving yourself more into her making her arc her back and present her ass better pulling her legs together. She screams as you slowly inch your cock further and further in with each thrust until all of it has slid all the way up her ass. You moan deeply as you shove it all the way to the base absolutely consumed by lust.

Wrapping the leash around your palm to keep a good grip you yank it back to grab both of her ass cheeks and start to fuck her as hard as she can. The red head screams in pain over and over, tears sliding down her cheek one after another as you thrust all the way into her over and over. "OH GOD!!!" She screams. "You are ripping me in half pleaseeee!"

But you ignore her and fuck her ass for a good few minutes until you finally build up to where you are about to cum. You've never had an orgasm with your penis before but you are curious. It isn't time though, you want to wait. That little tight pussy right under the hole you are destroying is just calling your name. You finally pull out just moments away gasping and slide your cock between her ass cheeks again. Before you can ask her to try to convince you she wants to get fucked in the pussy again the door opens to your annoyance and Zuna walks through with a very amused grin as she looks over you two.

Before you can tell her to go fuck off she walks over and leans over the bed. "You are new with the cock, let me just give you a few pieces of advice really quick. It'll feel so much better if you do it the right way."

You almost punch her in the face for interrupting, your high slowly fading away, but you are intrigued so you hold yourself back just giving her a cold glare. Zuna nods and continues. She hands you a small pin and a few metal rings which you glance over with a raised eyebrow. "You put that in the end of your penis and slide those to the base of it. They'll stop you from cumming and let you build it up as much as you'd like. You look over them and nod, perfect actually. She then stands back up then, smirking. "And don't forget you still have your sweet little pussy under that massive cock. Just imagine being pleased in both at the same time." She leaves you with that little inch of advice before walking seductively back to the door with her firm ass swaying. "Let me know if you'd like me to help with anything." She looks you over fully then, it is obvious what she wants.


What do you do?


Current Status: 85% - Normal, Aroused

Current Items: Sword, Dagger

Current Alignment: (6/20) - Neutral

Main Quest: Find the Heirloom

Side Quests: None


Surge of Strength: x2

Intimidation: x1

Heart of Steel: x2

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