VRX 9000: Sex Games / Attempt to hide in the hovel (2)

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

The Ayumi Adventures: Invading the Cult

Quest 1: The Mazrim Cult


At the spur of the moment you quickly move into the first hovel on the left and close the curtain all the way as the footsteps seem to approach from both ways. As you move in you instantly realize that it was probably a bad idea, they'll look here for sure when Zuna meets up with the two guards and they haven't seen you come by. You look around quickly sizing up your situation. You are pretty much standing over a sleeping guard who you don't even hear breathing heavily, which is a bad sign. There is another guard further back in the hovel who you can hear extremely well snoring like crazy. You glance around and spot all kinds of outfits here and there. Maybe you'll have time to don one in time before everyone gets here.

You throw that idea out instantly as well, all the guards so far are men, you'll never be able to conceal your appearance well enough to pass as one of them. The guard at your feet suddenly moves and you curse as his hands come to grab your legs yanking you to the ground hard. He wasn't asleep after all, you knew it, why hadn't you done anything?! "What are you doing here wench?" He growls as the two of you wrestle on the ground. The two of you struggle and tumble around, the guard not wanting to let go as you try to squirm free from his grasp.

Finally though you manage to pull a dagger right as he rolls around pinning you to the ground on top of you and bring the dagger up to his neck. The guard freezes, looking down at you annoyed, but he doesn't let go. You hear talking then yelling outside and before you can get the guard off of you suddenly the curtain is thrown open and before you know it two spears are in your face from two guards on either side of the apprentice woman who looks down at you with a smirk. "And where did you think you were going?"

The woman brings a hand forward which instantly lights up with a green glow and suddenly you can't breath. Gasping your free hand comes to your neck which feels like it is getting squeezed, a green magical ring cutting off your air. The distraction is enough and the guard on top of you knocks the dagger out of your hand and slaps you hard knocking you silly. You almost pass out and within the next few moments the magic ring disappears as the woman lowers her hand and the guards restrain you, finding yourself half out of it on your knees with your hands tied behind your back.

The woman finally walks up to you, bending down and taking your chin lifting your head up to look at her amused face. You notice out of the side of your vision the guard in the back is awake too, fingering your dagger. "So, my mistress told me to catch you then torture you and find out everything you know. But I have a better idea." She stands up then, looking at the four guards now around you. She then steps inside the hovel having the two guards outside follow then closes the curtain behind her. "I think we are going to have a little fun with you first."

Your eyes look up at her in shock realizing what she means. "You bitch!"

Her laugh chills your bones as she just smiles down at you. "Why don't you four have some fun with this one." She says with an amused smirk, leaning against the side wall. "And someone close her dirty mouth for me. If she calls me a bitch again I might have to gut her."

To your horror the guards grab you and before you know it you are lying on your back, doing your very best to try and stay calm. The guards start unzipping their pants as one holds you in place, one coming forward with his dick out grinning. "Why don't you suck on this for me you little cunt?" He then grabs your hair and tries to force his cock between your lips which you close tightly. "Open up slut!" He slaps you hard, your other cheek turning red now. You can't help but gasp at the pain, the guard taking advantage of the situation and running his cock right between your lips.

You instantly gag on his cock as he practically forces it down your throat. Tears start to form in your eyes as they hold you down, him forcing his cock down your throat. "Fuck that feels good!" He says with a grin, then suddenly pulls it out. You instantly start coughing but he shoves it back in and starts throat fucking you, your squirming body useless as your lips run over his whole shaft over and over again hardly able to breath.

As you lie there getting throat fucked fighting against the guards to the best of your ability you are frightened to find the others are stripping the rest of your clothes and light armor off of you. Your eyes suddenly light up as a hand snakes under your panties and two fingers find their way right up your cunt making you give a small moan. "The whore likes it!" The guard howls making you try your best not to blush, suddenly giving a scream as the guard starts to finger fuck you as hard and as fast as he can with two fingers on either side of your cunt for support as the other guards continue to strip you.

You start letting out a stream of muffles cries into the dick gagging your mouth, a tear running down your cheek from the rough treatment as your pussy gets pounded hard between your struggling legs getting pulled apart and the dick sliding up and down your throat as the guard grabs your hair shoving our face practically against his balls. He finally cums, releasing it down your throat causing you to gag and cough desperately trying to pull away. But he holds and you are forced to swallow it all, face pressed against his thigh with the dick as far down your throat as it can go. Suddenly he pulls out, your upper body falling back down to the floor gasping as coughing.

Arcing your back though you let out a cry as your pussy keeps getting pounded as you cough, giving a loud moan from his fingers going so deep and hard into you. "Oh my GOD!!!" You scream, head coming up looking at the man pumping your pussy with his fingers, the rest of your clothing practically stripped off but for rags hanging all over you.

"We have a whore here boss!" The guard fucking you says, everyone laughing as they force moan after scream out of you.

Suddenly you see Zuna step up to you, looking you in the eyes with a smile, then her hand lights up and she reaches down to touch your abs, a shiver instantly running down your body. What did she just do to you? She smiles at you then, coming down onto her knees before leaning over you, her hand finding your clit before starting to rub it as you get pounded making you give a very loud moan, looking at her in horror as pleasure starts to flood your body. She purrs at the sounds, grinning moving her lips just inches from yours. "You have a few options slut. Tell me everything you know and I'll undo what I just did to you and leave letting just the guards have their way with you. I'm sure they'll eventually let you go." You glare at her, trying to hold in your moans as one hand keeps fucking your pussy relentlessly while her hand plays with your clit.

"Second option, you can call me mistress and swear to be my sex slave. I'll take you away from the guards and you will be my personal sex slave. It won't be easy, but at least you won't get fucked silly by who knows how many guards." Your head goes back then, your body coming close to orgasm as they play with your defenseless pussy over and over. You can hardly stand it giving a loud moan as your body starts to tremble.

Suddenly your head is force back up the woman grabs it with her other hand, forcing you to look at her. "Or option three, you remain uncooperative and the guards and I play with your body until you are just a mindless slut. Which is it going to be?"

She holds your hair hard forcing you to keep looking at her, and finally you can't take it anymore. You let yourself go for an extremely big and forceful orgasm screaming out with your nails scratching against the ground trying to grip it as your hips thrust forward into both their hands. And then... nothing. You don't cum, you don't orgasm, you just stay right where you are on the brink, maybe even further. Your eyes go as wide as they can in horror, looking at the woman who's playful smile grows bigger as your body starts to tremble uncontrollably. She leans down to your ear with her lips as you let out a massive moan throwing your had back in pleasure despite her hand holding it there as she whispers to you. "I put a little spell on you that won't let you cum thief. I suggest being cooperative before all you can think about is finding a way to cum all over these guards."


What do you do?


Current Status: 90% - Normal, Highly Aroused

Current Items: None.

Current Alignment: (10/20) - Neutral

Main Quest: Find the Heirloom

Side Quests: None


Deadly Focus: x3

Burst of Luck: x1

Vanish: x2

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