User talk:Smithman

From Create Your Own Story

Please don't post incomplete pages. Complete pages include options so the story can continue. Also, please include the status bar and category from the previous page.

Incomplete pages will be edited or deleted.--Platypus 09:21, 6 August 2014 (UTC)

Hello. I noticed your talk on the main page talk page. You know, if you want a story like that, you can make it yourself, right? It seems you are asking for something you already have in mind to be written by someone else. While you are free to ask others to write a story you want, I doubt anyone will create something specifically for you, in the way you want. I suggest just writing yourself, but remember to go through the Tutorial so you don't end up with yet another warning. --Dirty Me 06:26, 11 August 2014 (UTC)

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