User:Fuck Porkins

From Create Your Own Story

Username redundant. Turns out Yihman1's the especially sick fuck instead.

Pages about torturing animals in a sex story? Jesus, let's all hope you go to hell.

Fuck Porkins 13:18, 19 February 2017 (UTC)

You are an idiot, and here I will explain why. For starters you say a page I wrote is about torturing animals. Here I'll post it here for you to see, and read it and think it over yourself.


Time Stop- The device is still untested. Use it on your cat first.

Your cat rubs his head along your leg purring, and you look down at him. You grin at him, and decide he shall be your first test subject. You fasten the collar around his neck firmly, and then push the on time stop button...

The moment your finger touches the button you realize what a catastrophic mistake has just been made... This is surely the last minute of your life! Looking up at the door, and windows of your room you notice they are closed. You are in a confined space with a predatory animal that moves fast like lighting, and has caloric requirements of a 130 ton animal!

The moment your finger releases the button, your cat disappears. It's not gone, but it is moving too quickly for your brain to register. The first few seconds your ankles tickle. You notice your cat sleeping for a second or two at a time in various spots in your room. Then a blur again. Each time you make a mad scramble to turn off it's collar, the cat has moved before you can get at it. Your blurry cat quickly grows to a thinner blur in just a moment... Piles of cat feces and urine instantly begin filling the room!

You must free the cat before it begins to starve... and get desperate for food. You rush for your window to open it, but you feel a great pain in your ankles... Your cat is already starving! Your cat is doing what it can to survive. You are now being eaten alive by your cat!

Fortunately only about 10 seconds passes before you pass out from the pain and faint... Your cat manages to pick your bones clean before your body falls to the floor!

The End... Maybe you shouldn't have tested such a powerful device on an animal! Time is currently: Normal Speeds for you, but your cat is the flash ______________________________________________________

This is the text in question. And you say it's about promoting animal torture. Any reasonable person can see that it is a page AGAINST ANIMAL TESTING. Which is animal cruelty. Picking this choice is a bad ending. Choosing to test on animals causes you to lose. And surely the person who got eaten alive for animal testing was not happy about testing on animals. I specifically put that there for sick fucks like yourself who would choose to test on animals. I have clearly triggered you, and thus the page was a success. Please refrain from torturing animals in the future you dimwitted social justice warrior troll.

Thank you, have a nice day.

--Yihman1 01:09, 20 February 2017 (UTC)

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